Funny I have never glazed and done baked ham happy to serve it as cold ham so how far ahead can I do it please!And best way to cover it after done.just glad wrap for the couple of nights!And if by chance I fancy reheating can it be done!I am trying to do as much as I can tonight and tomorrow.Thanks Anne
Dec 22, 11:38pm
I always glaze our ham on the day so we have hot ham.I then slice the remainder and store in plastic bags in the fridge.I've also reheated it successfully a few slices at a time.Nothing beats hot glazed ham on Christmas day.My glaze is simply apricot jam(1/3 jar approx) and wholeseed mustard (2 tablespoons approx).Mix them together and spread on the ham once its in the roast dish.Heat at 150degrees for about 2 hours basting occasionally. ETA a whole ham will need more glaze.
Dec 23, 12:02am
I always glaze, cook and baste mine on the day.
Dec 23, 12:12am
Ok thanks people well I roast the chicken tomorrow and reheat it after the ham.Thanks I have never done a glazed one before but then never done a glazed Xmas cake before and did three and they looked wonderful. Bugger though haha I am feeding wafes and strays on Xmas night and hoped to have day to self prior and some sort of rest as well.but know all these oldies with no place to go will think it is wonderful.First time I have been involved in Xmas for more than 6 maybe 8 years.But when I found out neighbours in pensioners flats where spending it alone and one lady with an 82nd B/D that day thought bugger it.I have a little extra money aside I'll make someone elses day.
Dec 23, 12:22am
bless you, hope you all have a wonderful day.
Dec 23, 2:27am
If you are intending to serve it cold of course you can do it the day before. Store it in a ham bag or clean pillow case or tea towel soaked in water with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar added then ring out and wrap ham in it - refresh every couple of days &ham will keep at least 8 - 10 days in frig.
Dec 23, 2:58am
Or better still, wrap the ham in butter muslin soaked in lemonade, and wrung out.Every second or third day rinse the butter muslin in fresh water, and then pour on more lemonade, wring out the excess and then re-wrap the ham with it.Keeps for weeks.
Dec 23, 3:00am
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas
Dec 23, 3:43am
Good on you. Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a wonderful time
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