Supermarket did not have it and I didn't want to brave any more shops, so bought two pouches of Tatua marscapone and a bar of dark ghana chocolate.I'm thinking, melt the chocolate and stir it through the marscapone to substitute for the chocolate mousse.Will it combine properly, do you think!
Dec 22, 1:03am
trah, are you making cookessential's Black Forest Trifle!If so I'm sure that Pam has suggested chocolate dairy food as an alternative to Tararua's Chocolate Mousse.
I'm not sure how well the chocolate + the mascarpone will combine - maybe try it with just a little first rather than risk it not working as you want/need it to.:-))
Dec 22, 1:14am
Why not make a real chocolate mousse!It's not hard.Here's one example of a recipe, which makes a light, fairly sweet mousse.
180 g chocolate (70% at least) 80 ml milk or coffee 1 egg yolk 4 egg whites 60g sugar
Melt chocolate in liquid, stir in yolk.Whip whites with sugar to stiff peaks.Fold whites into chocolate ⅓ at a time, pour into container and chill overnight.
Dec 22, 3:01am
Do you have Nutella or something similar!I think that'd work better with the mascarpone for a mousse-like consistency.Really you just want to flavour the mascarpone so you could even try cooking a thick paste of cocoa, milk and sugar to add to it.Alternatively, if you really want to use the chocolate don't use much - the Tararua chocolate mousse is quite subtly flavoured.
Dec 22, 5:45am
Thanks all.Davidt4, I've bought the marscapone and choc now, and would like to use them up.I think I will do as 245sam suggests and just try a small bit.The marscapone pouches say on the side that it is suitable for cheesecakes among other things, so I am thinking it would be OK.Even if not a mousse texture, will probably taste OK.And yes, it is for cooksessentials black forest trifle!
Dec 22, 5:50am
I think you could beat the mascarpone or whizz it in the blender to lighten it up a bit. Then carefully fold the melted chocolate in.
Dec 22, 6:04am
Yes, I think that is what I will do.Will let you know how it turns out in a few days time.
Dec 29, 8:15pm
Update:The marscapone/ghana choclate topping was a hit on the Black Forest Trifle.Will be using it in preference now.I whizzed two packets of marscapone in the food processor and added to it about a third of a block of dark chocolate, just melted.
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