is it possible to freeze ambrosia, we are going to chch and need to keep it cold.!
Dec 18, 12:53pm
wouldnt it be easier to take all the ingredients with you and then make it when you get to chch! I wouldnt freeze it
Dec 18, 1:56pm
Its only a 3hr drive. Just make it, put it in a chilly bin with freezer packs. That will keep it chilled.
It won't thaw well.
Dec 18, 3:38pm
My thoughts exactly.
mcgeown, have your chilly bin well chilled before you put everything (the ambrosia + ice packs) into it and your ambrosia will IMO arrive in far better condition than if you freeze it. Safe travels and all the best.:-))
Dec 19, 1:44am
As others have said. well iced packed chilly bin (empty wine bladders refilled with water or large sized zip sealed bagsfilled with water and then frozen are perfect for lining the bottom of your chilly bin, use as well as your chilly bricks that fit into the lid)then layer a clean tea towel on top,then your food and simply make up the ambrosia when you arrive: If you want the marshmallows to be soft and become part of the texture of the ambrosia, rather than biggish lumps, then slice them into the yoghurt, and reseal into a tupperware dish, and then just add the freshly whipped cream, berries, etc upon arrival.
Dec 22, 10:53pm
brilliant,i thought i had to make it the night before to get the mashmallows softer. thank you for all the ideas and merry christmas
Dec 22, 11:29pm
Do not freeze!I froze some the first time I made it - it tasted OK but did not look very pretty.
Dec 23, 4:44pm
I always add the berries to mine still frozen, by the time it is ready to be eaten they have partially thawed and add a nice texture.Definitely crumble to meringues in just before serving though.
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