Changs dried noodles?

zipper, Dec 18, 12:27am
Does anyone know where i can buy these please!

245sam, Dec 18, 12:50am

taurushat, Dec 18, 3:07am
Zipper you need to email the NZ Distributor.

I take it you want the Original Fried noodles 100g pkt that the Oriental fried noodle salad is made with!

nzhel, Dec 18, 4:35am
That salad is delicious and I tried to get the noodles here around 3 years ago and even wrote to Changs but at that stage they had no plans to bring them to NZ.
I often bring several pkts over from Oz.
I don't think there is anything very similar available in NZ.

taurushat, Dec 18, 4:42am
NZhel they are now in NZ. contact the link above. I am Customer Service Manager in Aust.Email me through if you need to know more.

zipper, Dec 18, 4:19pm
Yes love the salad and make it all the time when i have these noodles. I bring back from aust and get family too aswell. I had contacted someone in nz before, and was told they were sold at new world. No the case tho. Ill try emailing the above poster. Thanks everyone.