There isn't anything special about a ham bag, is there!
Just a large cotton tea towel, dampened with water and a little vinegar would work just the same, wouldn't it!
Dec 14, 10:26pm
wasgonna, the ham bags I have seen are calico but apart from that IMO there is nothing special that could not be just as easily achieved by as you say "a large cotton tea towel, dampened with water and a little vinegar" - or I have heard of a clean pilllowcase being another alternative.Remember to regularly rinse the 'ham bag' (or its alternative) and freshen it with more water/vinegar solution. I have never done this myself, but I'm sure I read here on this MB that another poster used lemonade instead of the water + vinegar.
Hope that helps.:-))
Dec 14, 10:35pm
Thanks for that. I do intent to use the lemonade version that I had heard about. I've had the bags before but threw them out and as always happens I won half a ham so the tea towels will do.
Dec 14, 11:04pm
In the old days they used ripped up sheets or pillowcase.They were cotton.
Dec 14, 11:41pm
My Mum just uses a cotton pillowcase
Dec 15, 6:07am
I've just used a largeish tea towel for the last few years, I try and remember to rinse it out every day, and change it every few days. Never had a problem.
Dec 15, 9:25am
ditto and this is what I do also. Of course it is not one that gets used as a pillowcase. Its my "ham bag" pillowcase.
Dec 16, 4:26am
I use a pillowcase too, works fine.Can't see our ham lasting to xmas day though we got a really nice one this year
Dec 16, 4:55am
Or flour bags.Very versatile things flour bags.
Dec 16, 4:56am
Butter muslin and lemonade is the only way to go.I have heard about using vinegar, but I can't verify that it works - I can verify that lemonade works - it keeps the ham "sweet" and moist, and contrary to what another poster stated last year, it is not a breeding ground for bugs.I have used this method every year since meeting my husband (it was his mum who always used this method) some 20 odd years ago, and usually keep my hams at least 3 weeks before I begin to suspect they may be better biffed than eaten.
Dec 16, 9:36am
I have an old-fashioned vacumm pump and just use Oven Bags from the supermarket to vacuum seal it.Depending on the merriment at the time, give the twist-tie an extra twist.
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