I have some sweet short pastry in the freezer (the ready sheets).can they be used for an apple pie! And does anyone have an easy apple filling! My kids have asked if they can make an apple pie for dessert tomorrow. tia
Dec 14, 10:31am
Pes pie will be fine with pastry. Check out lefthand message board & under keyword put apple pie, under date posted put last year. Recipes there.
Dec 14, 5:05pm
To make the pastry sheets big enough - overlap a little then roll the join with a rolling pin until it is the same thickness all over.Line pie plate.Fill with cold stewed apples then add lid or lattice the pastry on top.(The tins of apples are good for this if you don't have any fresh ones to stew). The best apple pie I believe is simply apple - no spices.You could milk wash the top then sprinkle over some sugar if you want a bit of crunch.
Dec 14, 8:09pm
I also don't use spices in my apple filling. BUT the addition of a bit of lemon juice and zest (while stewing it) really brings out the flavour of the apple.
Dec 15, 12:34am
I add a couple of cloves to the apples as well when I stew them but make sure you take them out once the apple is cooked because it's not much fun biting down on a whole clove in your pie
Dec 15, 2:27am
Something your kids can create.
Roll the pastry out, cut into squares of a size suitable for an individual dessert.
Cut an apple (or a couple/few) in half and remove the core. leave skin on if you want. thinly slice the apple from top to bottom so you have slightly curved pieces.
Spread the apple slices, overlapping slightly, over the surface of the pastry, leaving about .5mm of pastry free of apple slices around the outside.
Sprinkle a little brown sugar and some cinnamon over the apple.
Using your fingers, fold the extra pastry around the outside, over the edge of the apples. make a crimped kind-of pattern if you want. pinching the pastry together a little. The apples will show on top of your little pies/tarts.
Bake as per pastry packet directions. and if you want, brush a little strawberry, raspberry or apricot jam over the top of the hot apples as the tarts come from the oven.
Enjoy hot, warm or cold. they make great finger-food for picnics too.
Dec 15, 9:41pm
I love spice, I put it in the pastry along with lemon zest and my secret, a dash of rose water.my apple pie is sort after by all who come in contact with it.I dont have a real recipe I just make a short pastry (sweet).I also add frozen blueberries which is delicious.For a nice short pastry for savoury I add cheese to the pastry, very yum, just to add to the mix,,,,
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