Runny strawberry jam

rema, Dec 8, 2:00pm
Made the above yesterday, but it has turned out very runny, can anybody suggest a remedy please MTIA

harrislucinda, Dec 8, 2:11pm
canputbackontheheatagainaddmoresugarandboilorbuysettingagentto helpitsetagain

willyow, Dec 8, 2:18pm
Don't use Meyer lemons for pectin - they are not a proper lemon and don't have much pectin.

carlosjackal, Dec 8, 2:26pm
Try doing post #2 but with Chelsea Jam Setting Sugar (available at all supermarkets).

uli, Dec 8, 2:49pm
There are a few myths out there. Lemon juice does nothing for setting any jam. Pectin is the key ingredient when it comes to making jam… it’s what makes jam set. Pectin is a carbohydrate found in the cell walls of ripe fruit and it is what thickens the jam.

You can buy King Jam Setting Mix from your supermarket. One sachet sets about 1kg of fruit. This is it here:

willyow, Dec 8, 4:06pm
Lemon juice doesn't actually contain any pectin (or is very low in pectin), but the acidity works with the sugar to jell the pectin.

makespacenow, Dec 8, 5:35pm
More sugar
use pectin stock
or pectin powder
any fruit with high pectin content
use the search box on the left I have postedrecipe for home made stock here .

carlosjackal, Dec 8, 6:02pm
The pectin is actually in the pith and the pips.

rema, Dec 8, 6:14pm
Thank you all very much for your replies, have done it again and used hansells jam set so here's hoping

rubeat, Dec 9, 3:30am
what about if you got a packet of certo setting mix from supermarket, dont need any more sugar but a squeeze of 2 lemons helpsso its not so sweet.