any ideas what I can put on this platter! trying to avoid hot stuff. aiming for a mixtre of sweet n savoury. So far I havepigs on horseback, cheese straws, choped up bier sticks, crackers, grapes, strawberries, some chocolates, those mini peppers with cream cheese in them. anything else! I ned to prepare it in advance
Dec 2, 8:01am
Smoked salmon, pâté, olives, good cheeses. Sweet stuff! Truffles, petit fours. Wow - great idea.
Dec 2, 8:37am
Don't forget those big juicy Kalamata olives!
Dec 2, 8:45am
Fresh dates stuffed with marscapone cheese. mmmm
Dec 2, 8:45am
Nuts are good, snow peas, hummus, cherries, grapes,I had some very small green olives recently and they were delish.You can do spiced nuts, roasted nuts etc which are also very good.
Dec 2, 9:36am
Small pieces of pastrami wrapped around cubes of creamy blue cheese and quince paste on toothpicks.
Dec 2, 7:38pm
What are pigs on horseback!
Dec 3, 12:07am
Or prunes stuffed with cream cheese/blue cheese and wrapped with pastrami.
Dec 3, 12:09am
Bacon wrapped around tinned water chestnuts held by a toothpick and cooked as per Jo Seagar.
Dec 3, 1:20am
There are angels on horseback and pigs in blankets and I can never remember which is which!
I think that pigs in blankets are prunes wrapped in bacon.
Dec 3, 1:37am
Just to make sure you are thoroughly confused, elliehen, prunes in bacon are devils on horseback. Pigs in blankets are small sausages wrapped in something which I can't recall right now, maybe pastry or a kind of scone dough rolled out quite thinly
Dec 3, 1:45am
Then what are oysters wrapped in bacon called!
Dec 3, 1:48am
Angels on Horseback
Dec 3, 5:22am
yes when i said pigs on horseback i meant prunes in bacon but it looks like I'm wrong. i was meaning devils on horseback
Dec 15, 7:46pm
Dried Apricot with a small amount of cream cheese and a walnut on top YUMMY YUMMY
Dec 15, 8:34pm
We always have a massive antipasto/i platter mmmm cant eat it this year though being up the duff :(
Dec 15, 8:40pm
I know you said not hot stuff but I was reminded recently at a party how yummy chunks of banana wrapped in bacon then grilled are.Haven't had them for years.The sweet banana and saltty bacon is delicious.
Dec 15, 9:30pm
We're having a seafood platter for lunch on Christmas Day:
Prawn and bacon kebabs - you can cook them the day before and have them cold or on the day if you want them hot Mussels Smoked salmon with blini or crackers, horseradish and capers Hot smoked salmon Marinated fish salad Green leaf salad Roast potatoes (cheating by buying a bag of frozen roasters so not really cooking)
Dec 15, 9:33pm
Why not!You can still have antipasto platter but with different things on it - cheese is fine, cook your own meat and have it cold, same with fish, pickles, sun dried tomatoes, olives, bread, crackers, make your own dip with cream cheese and relish.No reason to miss out on foods you love just because you're pregnant.
Dec 15, 10:18pm
I agree, just stay away from shelled seafood and any fake seafood oh and sliced deli meats.
Dec 15, 11:29pm
I know I can eat all those things but Mum usually gets an AMAZING selection of salamis, liverwurst, german biersticks etc from the Black Forest Gourmet butchery and thats the stuff I going to miss lol I will defintely be having all the stuff you mentioned though :)
Dec 16, 12:11am
So get your mum on your side and get her to do a pregnancy-safe antipasto platter so that everyone can eat the same thing then if you don't even see the things you'd like you won't miss them so much.I mean, it's her grandchild you're thinking of .
Dec 16, 12:24am
Haha nah Ill suck it up, dont want everyone else to be deprived :)
Dec 16, 2:03am
Am relieved I'm not the only one confused ;)
Dec 16, 2:06am
Still don't know why horses come into it.might have to Google the origins ;)
Edited to add.and found this:
"Theory #1 Some say the name came from the red (bacon) and black (prune) colour combination being reminiscent of the black and red image of the devil. They even say that the bacon wrapping around the prune is symbolic of legs wrapped around a horse while riding.
Theory #2When Norman raiders invaded England in 1066, warriors would cover themselves in rashers (slices) of bacon, sort of like armour. It was said the grotesque look was used to scare villagers during invasions. The bonus was being able to eat the bacon after the battle.
Theory #3The last, and most believable theory is that Devils on Horseback are derived from their cousin appetizer 'Angels on Horseback'. Angels on Horseback were a favourite English Victorian era after dinner snack or nibble. The ingredients are exactly the same, save for one -- Hot Sauce. Thus, the angel becomes a devil due to the heat. This theory is logical and believable! If the theory is true, then somewhere along the lines the oyster was swapped with a prune."
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