How long to cook 2 x 2kg pork loin roasts for xmas

oz4uk, Dec 20, 5:21pm
Hi there!

We're cooking for a family of 30 and our task is the pork! Now we've had the butcher make 2 x 2kg rolled pork loins for us and I'm at a loss to work out how long to cook them for!?

they will go into the oven. Do I cook for 4hrs for the 4kg? Or 2hrs as it's 2 x 2kg? Or 3hrs just to go in between?

I've never needed to cook 2 rolled roasts at the same time, I only usually cook a 1.5kg one for 90mins.

All help and advice is much appreciated!


shop-a-holic, Dec 20, 7:11pm
The best advice I can give is to invest in two meat thermometers, and then cook them to the desired finish eg: med-rare; med and well-done.
When finished, wrap in 4 lots of foil and rest for an hour.Gives you a chance to enjoy a glass of cheer before carving.

margyr, Dec 20, 7:24pm
I would put them into oven bags and put in the oven 150 at 8 am, take them out at 12, wrap tinfoil over them as suggested and let them rest.

buzzy110, Dec 20, 8:27pm
This is not rocket science. Cook them for as long as it takes to cook one!!!

beaker59, Dec 20, 10:30pm
In a fan bake oven yes in the older style ovens I'd give it a bit longer.

bunny51, Dec 20, 11:31pm
Hmm well my 2 kg roast pork is still not cooked after being in the oven since about 3. (Just turned it up and thinking I might have to make the kids something else for tea tonight and give them pork tomorrow.)

ant_sonja, Dec 20, 11:57pm
Start with your meat at more or less room temp - I always season and oil the meat then I brown it off in a very hot pan. Transfer into a hot oven (about 230 degrees) and roast for 30 -45 minutes. Turn oven temp down to about 100 degrees and leave meat to cook until you're ready to eat. 3-4 hours should do it for med/rare - another hour or 2 for med/well done. If there is a 'crust' to brown of at the end, or crackling - crank oven back up at the end - on grill - and cook until nice and crispy on top. With roast beef we do the same thing but turn oven down to 90 after the initial 1/2 hour on hot and it always comes out perfect and pink in the middle even after 5 or more hours. Always leave meat to rest before cutting/serving.Enjoy :-)

oz4uk, Nov 29, 8:45pm
Hi there,

Thanks for all your responses! But as they are 2 single 2kg rolled loin roasts, I've found I only cook them at the same time for the same length of time as I would one of them. As they are not a single, thick 4kg roast that would need the 4hr cooking time.

So I'll be putting them in a hot, hot oven for 30mins, turning it down for another 90mins!!

Thanks for all the responses, unfortunately I don't think people read it correctly... also if I cook them for 4hrs they'll be well overdone!! Which is what I was trying to find out if it was just the individual roll cooking time or the combined meat weight for cooking time....
