I used to have a copy cat recipe for this but I can't find it - searched high and low.It's quite a dense, moist recipe, not too sweet but very chocolatey.Has anyone else had a party there and had the cake to know what I mean!None of the chocolate cake recipes I have tried are the same - they're good, but not the same.Mr 17 turns 18 on Friday and I'd love to make one for him if I can find a recipe because it has always been his favourite.I'm going to have a go at decorating it - either as a ginger cat or with an iPhone 5 on top if I can get a picture scanned on to icing.
Nov 18, 3:37am
Have you tried this one! It's from a poster on here, I make it a lot and it's beautiful! Mels Secret Chocolate Cake 2 Cups of water 3 Cups of caster sugar 250gm butter 1/3 Cup cocoa 1 teaspoon of baking soda 3 Cups of self raising flour 4 eggs lightly beaten Combine water, sugar, butter ,cocoa, & soda in a large pot. Stir over medium heat without boiling until sugar is dissolved. Simmer for 5 minutes uncovered. Cool for 10 minutes. Mix in flour and eggs and beat til smooth. Pour into a lined roasting dish and bake for 50 minutes at 160c. Check at 40 minutes. Stand for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack.
Nov 18, 3:53am
From Mc Donalds ! It's probably just packet cake
Nov 18, 2:25pm
I wouldn't care if it was - it's yummy
Nov 18, 2:27pm
I have one very similar - this time round I don't need such a big cake though because it's just for the 5 of us plus his girlfriend
Nov 18, 3:12pm
Oh I'd forgotten that thread - no it's not that one with the sour cream (that's called sludge cake by the way) - he is going for the one with coffee in it which he first tasted when his friend made it to take to school for his birthday about 10 years ago - we still have the hand written copy of the recipe that we got back then and it's called "William's Chocolate Cake", named after the friend.I never did find a black doris plum cake recipe though - it's very dense and damp, but I think it may be a flourless type.My daughter now works at the deli up here that supplies them for New Plymouth though so maybe I'll just buy some instead!
Nov 18, 3:20pm
Call a McDs, I think you can get them for $10.
Nov 18, 3:22pm
Fair enough about the black doris cake l have a soft spot for black doris anything and l hope you find your recipe and post it on here so you will always be able to find it l put recipes up on here and then when l can't find them l look on here and get them back again ;-)) l am slowly putting all my recipes l like onto my computer from the books l find them in as l can never find the book twice,lol
Nov 19, 2:26pm
hey, my partner use to work there, he reckons they were frozen and like most of there stuff its likely it came from Rangiora bakery :)
Nov 19, 3:53pm
Thanks for that - I just wish I could find the copy cat recipe I had for it - it's yummy because it's firm for decorating, chocolatey but not overly sweet.
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