cough, cough, hrrumm ... "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Julia, happy birthday to you!" Hope your day is atleast as lovely as your beautiful self :) xxx
Right - who's got the bubbly???
Mar 29, 12:57pm
Happy BIrthday Julia, I wont ask how many candles your blowing out today.LOL
Mar 29, 1:31pm
Yes indeedy.. Happy Birthday Toadie.... Have a wonderful day xxx
Mar 29, 2:32pm
Happy Birthday to dear Toadie,thinking of you today.
Mar 29, 2:33pm
Cork bounces around the room!!
Mar 29, 3:26pm
Happy birthday Toadie
Mar 29, 3:40pm
Happy birthday Toady. have a wonderful birthday & celebration.
Mar 29, 5:35pm
Happy birthday Julia. Does the birthday person do a "shout" at your work or do others treat you?
Mar 30, 1:47am
happy birthday Julia, hope you are having a wonderful time and being spoilt rotten by family.
Mar 30, 2:37am
Aww Shucks... thanks everyone... I had the day from H#*% at work.. so much so that my colleagues and I have decided to have my "real" birthday next week... one suggested I should be like the queen... have 2 birthdays each year... one that does not fall on year end.!!!... In saying that though I had a fabulous start and finish to my day.. and have just come back from the most delicious dinner at my mum and dads... and now a Lavender bath and off to bed i go...
Mar 30, 2:38am
Too many candles to light.... doesn't leave much room for the cake *whispers....46*
Mar 30, 2:39am
Hope you have been spoilt today Julia "Happy Birthday"
Mar 30, 2:40am
We had a company dinner last night which was a combination of 3 birthdays... 2 new people and one farewell.... Think the late night, curry and red wine was what made todaysooooo bad....We had the left over cake for morning tea this morning and they even put a candle on my slice lol
Mar 30, 2:42am
Pleased you didn't set fire to anything ;)
Mar 30, 2:43am
I have the most devine feather duvet (all seasons... 2 you button together) and sheet set... trouble is i am too tired to make it up tonight so will save that treat for tommorrow... a beautiful aromatherapy soap... chocolates... a beautiful necklace and a set of "family" stickers for my 4x4 which funnily enough I have always wanted... and scrummy sheepkin very very spoilt
Mar 30, 3:30am
You are a luffly lady & deserve nothing but the best so I'm pleased you got some nice goodies ... even if your day wasn't quite what it should have been!
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