a long time ago in the days when a roast was cooked in dripping/fat my mum poured the hot dripping into a plastic container that was on the bench as she was pouring in the hot dripping the container melted what a mess she laughed about how dumb that was
Nov 11, 9:59pm
Soon after buying a breadmaker I decided to make a spicy fruit loaf. I wanted it to be extra fruity and extra spicy, so got very heavy handed with both fruit and spices. Set it to cook while I was at work, and was anticipating it all day. Unfortunately while putting everything in, I forgot to add yeast - daughter described my loaf as a small square windowless concrete building!
Nov 11, 10:40pm
Yesterday I made a lemon meringue pie to take to a pot luck dinner -have never made one before but was a request from the host thought it didnt sound to difficult - looked stunning when it came out of the oven but when the hostess went to serve it under the meringue was lemon soup - the lemon layer was set before going into the oven so stuffed if I know what went wrong
Nov 11, 11:00pm
when i started a baking job (the baker left so only left ,me to bake) i made a russian slice i put all but the shorting fat (didnt know what it was)so left it outi made a really big tray it looked great but when i went to cut it, it was as hard as a rock
Nov 12, 12:24am
I was having a great laugh at this thread this afternoon. then I put a chocolate cake in the oven this evening, only to look in the microwave to see the melted butter. doh!
Nov 12, 12:28am
Not my disaster but certainly my fault!Many moons ago I made up a double batch of Christmas mince pies - looked so scrummy on the bench.Went off to do something or other, came back and the chooks had come in through the cat door and eaten the pies and made a hellava mess right through the kitchen and the rest of the house LOL
One of the said chickens came in another time and laid an egg over the plug hole in the bath!
Nov 12, 12:48am
As a newly wed ( way back in the dark ages ) I couldn't boil water, absolutely useless. But decided to cook a roast for tea. Lamb, roast vegies and greens. All went surprisingly well even if the vegies were a bit over done, until the gravy. I thought hmm Mum always tips a bit of the fat out of the pan the meat cooked in, then pours in some vegie water and flour to thicken. So I was rather chuffed it all looked yummy. Until husband poured the gravy all over his meat and vege, and it set.Obviously my Mother tipped a bit more of the fat out of the pan than a bit. lol
Nov 12, 1:14am
Years ago I was about to put a batch of peanut brownies in the oven after spraying the tray with No Frills Cooking Spray -when I realised it was a lookalike for No Frills Fly Spray.
Nov 12, 1:14am
Years ago I was just putting a batch of peanut brownies in the oven after spraying the tray with No Frills Cooking Spray -when I realised it was a lookalike for No Frills Fly Spray.
Nov 12, 1:55am
That has to take first prize!
Nov 12, 2:01am
Years ago when I was cook at an old folks home (sorry, private medical hospital) I thought I'd make a "fluffy jelly" which from memory involves boiling some semolina in water and adding it to a half set jelly, then beating the living daylights out of it.Pour into a bowl or mould and it sets as thick jelly with fluffy stuff on top.Easy enough, and I'd done it heaps of times before, only this time I was running late so rather than just beat it to death with the electric beater, I chucked it in the food processor.Flicked the switch and suddenly there was raspberry jelly as far and wide as one could see, it was in my hair, on my eyelashes, down the front of my smock and dribbling between my breasts to my bellybutton, it was over my shoes, up the walls, all over the floor.I couldn't have spread it further if I'd tried.It wasn't only a lovely deep pink colour, it was sticky and had tiny little granules of semolina in it.Needless to say I didn't leave work on time that particular afternoon!A shower never felt so good as it did that day when I got home from work.
Nov 12, 1:30pm
Kuaka i have many memories of Mum making sponges, the biggest ive ever seen, she only ever used duck eggs, and always dropped them to release the bubbles before baking.
Nov 12, 1:33pm
Yes, that's what I thought, but a previous poster dropped the sponge after it was cooked, and I can only imagine that was to loosen it from the tin.
Nov 15, 12:25am
oh god yes been there done that.
Nov 15, 12:35am
I just remembered another disaster I did with my then sister-in-law.My dad had brought a ham and taken the skin off.He asked us to make crackling with it.Well neither of us had ever made crackling so thought we would give it a go.We scored it, salted it, and put it under the grill in my dad’s nice new oven.Well it only melted.We turned the temperature up, moved it around the oven but it just would not crackle.Then my sister-in-law moved it one last time and because it had melted it went all over the bottom element and caught on fire.The house quickly filled with smoke (and dad had no house hold insurance daaaaaaaa).Flames were coming out the oven, I was closing it, my sister-in-law kept opening it fuelling the flames.We eventually got put the fire out but by then the bottom of the oven as damaged beyond repair and we learnt the hard way you cannot make crackling with ham skin because it has been cured…
Dec 5, 1:54am
If that was dumb, I was dumber.When I was a student our flat had an apricot tree in the garden and I made jam.I put a little line-up of plastic jars in the oven to sterilise them before filling.
Dec 5, 3:43am
oh - how hot was the oven!How big was the mess!
Dec 5, 5:13am
In my teens, went to a friends house and we did some baking together. One of us creamed the butter & sugar, and the other put the dry ingredients together, and also included the sugar.Once in the oven, it become a frothy mess, spilling over out of the tray and all over the oven. We decided to take it out of the oven, put it on the stove and cover it. With the opening of the oven door, the mixture caught fire. Friends Big Brother came hurtling over the room 'to save the day' by turning off the oven. In the process of leaning over the stove to turn off the oven, he unwittingly placed his hand on the towel covering the gooey mixture, thus completely grinding the mixture into the towel. Never invited back to bake.
Dec 5, 7:02pm
I have mentioned this before on the MB but my worst baking disaster is still the memorable occasion when I made Ginger Crunch with cayenne pepper. Whew ! Even the birds wouldn't touch it !
Dec 5, 7:35pm
I painted the ceiling and the kitchen with blueberrysyrup.didn't check if the lid on the blender was airtight.
Dec 6, 1:01am
Made some muffins today. pineapple and coconut. fortunately I tried a spilled over bit before putting one in DD's lunchbox.YUCK,the recipe had 4 tsps of baking soda.did not taste good,I have crossed that recipe out in the book.
Dec 6, 12:43pm
I spent hours separating the layers of licorice allsorts, separatingpebbles into colours, cutting up coloured lolly straps etc to decorate my gingerbread house.Dissolved icing sugar on stove to glue pieces together (getting a few small burns on the way from HOT sugar), was almost finished-picked up sugar pan to soak in water and knocked house off stand onto floor where it shatterd into a million pieces, I was NOT happy!
Dec 10, 1:10am
omg that would have been heart breaking.when things like this happen you actually can't believe it, it takes a while to sink in.then you feel sick
Dec 10, 1:44am
When I was a wee girl (8ish) I was a babysitters worst nightmare so to apoligise to my parents when they got home I would bake something in my wee repitoire. One night I started making peanut brownies, I have no idea what I did in the recipe but they were pretty much liquid, when I put them in the oven to bake (I'm not quite sure why I went ahead with it) the oven ended up catching on fire, I'm pretty sure it ruined the oven.The babysitter thought I did it on purpose
Dec 10, 2:56am
Not actually baking but was making mulled wine and run out of sugar so went to put icing sugar BUT cornflour was what was added what a mess thickened wine YUK!
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