On Saturday I made a beautiful cameral slice, only to put it in the oven and hit the oven rack with the bottom of the tin.As the slice was on baking paper it slid right off the tin and all over the bottom of the oven and the door, both racks and the bottom element. What a mess… Anyone else done something just as dumb!
Nov 7, 7:20am
lol yes I will put my hand up for doing that to, boy it makes you mad what a waste of ingredients. I once done it putting a meal in the microwave went all done the front of the fridge and on the floor I have since put the microwave down on the bench much safer.
Nov 7, 7:25am
hahaha yes the thought of the cost of the ingredients made me more mad because there was at least $6 worth down the drain.still learnt a hard lesson.Hope yours was not hot and you didn't burn yourself easyasabc.
Nov 7, 7:54am
I made a beautiful Hazelnut Tart and inadvertently sifted salt instead of icing sugar on the top! I think I must have been "miles away" at the time as I can't see how I could possibly have mistaken one for the other! Anyway, needless to say, it was inedible.
Nov 7, 7:58am
I was always told to drop a sponge on the floor when cooked,I droped it and it bounced right out of the tin!
Nov 7, 8:08am
carlosjackal I don't suppose you have the hazelnut Tart recipe at the ready!Sounds like my kind on thing.I have lots of catering coming up for Christmas and am looking for desserts that are interesting and relatively easy.
Nov 7, 8:42am
Haha. I once made pancakes for a new boyfriend and sprinkled with lemon and salt. haha mexican pancakes. He didnt know whether it was a joke or what! I have overcooked several packs of chicken and meat instead of defrosting in the microwave. Have cooked a beautiful roast then found a plastic absorber thing was stuck to the bottom.
Nov 7, 8:47am
Made a big chocolate cake in a roasting dish took it out of the oven, then turned it over to take it out of the tin and the middle fell out cake mix spewed all over the bench down into the pot draw, as i moved it fell all over my feet as well. Great Mess.
Nov 7, 9:15am
I'll have to pop back tomorrow ;DIf you like Hazelnuts, you may also like a Hazelnut Caramel Slice and a Strawberry Hazelnut Cake (made with ricotta cheese). Will post the recipe for the tart tomorrow anyway and you can let me know if the other two appeal to you and can post those too.
Nov 7, 9:18am
Yum, yum carlosjackal I'll take it all!
Nov 7, 5:47pm
actually you have to see the funny side of that
Nov 7, 5:51pm
I wondered why the top of my fruit cake was browning but the middle wasn't cooking and then realised I had been grilling it for an hour instead of baking.
Nov 7, 5:55pm
making a slice, i completely got confused and didn't bake the base, and Mr Sossie was the reicpient of the non-cooked slice he told me the chickens really liked it.
Nov 7, 5:56pm
A huge white chocolate that I made for hubby's bday (Im not keen on white chocolate) - it was really expensive to make, used about 3 blocks of Whittakers and was revolting! So dense, dont know where I went wrong but never again! lol
Nov 7, 6:25pm
My dp refuses to throw baking out so he's eaten some very dubious goods. All made with love and the best intentions of course.
Nov 7, 7:45pm
Yes made some beautiful blueberry muffins and forgot to put sugar in. They looked nice but tasted more like bread
Nov 7, 8:00pm
Whoever told you that got it wrong (or maybe you didn't listen).You're supposed to tap it on the bench (why bend to the floor) to release any airbubbles in the mix and give a smoother sponge cake without any big holes in it.Sometimes you cut into a sponge and it looks more like gruyere cheese, this is because any trapped air expands during cooking.Dropping it on the bench helps prevent this.
Nov 7, 8:12pm
Spring loaded tin that unsprung just going into the hot oven, and two disappointed little children watching on who had helped with making it.
Nov 7, 8:19pm
Try a bread and butter pudding with salt instead of sugar.couldn't figure out why it didn't have a nice sugary/caramelized crust when it was cooking in the oven!Now when I'm filling up containers with baking stuff I snip the name from the plastic bag it comes in and place it in the container.no mistaking the salt for sugar now!
Nov 7, 9:05pm
Hi macwood, rather than monopolise the OP's thread by posting recipes, I'll post them under a new thread entitled macwood: Hazlenut cake, tart and slice. Pressed for time right now so will pop back this afternoon ;D
Nov 7, 9:35pm
Very good
Nov 8, 12:16am
most recently, Anzac biscuits without the sugar, I'm still trying to figure out how to not waste the double batch of them. I've grilled biscuits. My sister once had brandy snaps spread off the tray and curl around the bottom element.
Nov 8, 12:50am
I'd try breaking some upinto pieces throw them in the food processor and pulse blitz till a little crumbly, add a spoonful of sugar, sprinkle some on top ofstewed or tinned fruit, dot with a little butterbake to heat through have with icecream/cream.Texture will be different to ordinary crumble but Might be better than wasting all your bics.
Nov 8, 2:57am
I once cooked a lovely casserole in a large glass oven dish and found it was too runny when nearly cooked.Without thinking I brought it out of the oven and put it straight onto a gas hob to thicken it with cornflour.Next minute the whole glass dish exploded all over the stove top hitting the floor and walls.Glass bits everywhere.I was so scared of my husband at the time that I went into a panic state cleaning it up just before he got home.I really miss that casserole dish and haven't seen one like it to replace it even now. Also once my girlfriend made us a cheesecake for dessert not realizing she had put in one cup of salt instead of 1 cup of castor sugar.I did feel sorry for her as we had to dump the whole lot, it was yuck.
Nov 8, 3:11am
OMG!You'll never make that mistake again! LOL! (or your friend either!). So far I have only ever made the "salt" mistake once - hope I never do it again. Sometimes one can get easily distracted in the kitchen and when that happens all hell can break loose!As there is such a science to baking I prefer to bake when I know I not expecting any disturbances. I even put my landline on zero rings sometimes!
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