Using pureed apple instead of sugar in baking

missmoo4, Jul 14, 4:32am
I have read that you can use pureed apple instead of some sugar in baking. So far, I haven't found any recipes that do so, instead, say that you can do so. Problem is, I am not a very confident baker and am scared of winging it.
Does anyone have any recipes that use pureed apple in place of some of the sugar that they don't mind sharing?
Alternatively, any other ideas on how to cut down the amount of suagr in regular baking?

falcon-hell, Jul 14, 5:56am
google graham kerr,i had a book of his and he used apple puree instead of any added fats (butter or marg) in baking,i haven't tried it myself but he did say how moist the baking was.

245sam, Jul 14, 6:35am
missmoo4, have a look at:-

Annette Sym has a lot of recipes that use apple puree instead of sugar.

Hope that helps.:-))

cgvl, Jul 14, 6:36am
Have a look in the diabetic baking thread , ... not sure if any use just fruit puree or juice or a mix of fruit puree and artificial sweetener.
Not too sure how it works, I just halve the amount of sugar that a recipe stats, if I'm after a sweet biscuit or cake.

calista, Jul 14, 6:43am
I remember that Alison Holst's healthy muffin book has a couple.If I could also remember where I put the book I would be a happier person.

evorotorua, Jul 14, 8:08am
I have made this one a couple of times. It is a chocolate brownie that uses apple puree. It is chewier than a 'normal' brownie but still good. The recipe works which I guess is what you are after! Have fun with it.

evorotorua, Jul 14, 8:09am
It still has some sugar in it but not as much as other recipes, and no eggs.

chan21, Jul 14, 8:10am
I have tried it and it has worked pretty well but you may need to put 1/2 tsp more baking powder in to counteract the moistness. My daughter has sugar allergies so I have played around with a few recipes just try it not much can go wrong. Some muffins use golden syrup instead of sugar if that is ok but I have even replaced that with apple which worked fine. Is it sugar you can't have? If so there is a product called Stevia which is a herb and comes in powder or liquid form and better than going down the artifical sweeter way as they are full of chemicals.
Banana bran muffins
2 c self raising flour
2 c unprocessed bran
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 c raisins
3 bananas mashed
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 c milk
50g butter/table spread
6 tbsp golden syrup (I use 5 tbsp apple sauce, 1 tbsp syrup)
2 eggs lightly beaten
Preheat Oven 190
Place flour, baking powder, flour,bran, raisins, and banana in bowl. dissolve soda in milk
Melt spread and golden syrup, add liquid ingredients and eggs to dry ingredients. Mix until blended-don't over mix.
Spoon into muffin pans and bake 15-20mins.

Good luck

scannell2, Jul 14, 8:12am
i used to work with a lady who had heaps of fruit trees and she replaced butter and sugar in her baking with fruit of any kind. always seemed to look and taste nice. they were into no preservatives and all things good for you i thought it was a great idea so good luck to you

missmoo4, Jul 15, 2:26am
Thanks everyone! Will give those a bell!
Chan - It's not that I can't have sugar (although should probably cut down!!), I look after 3 kids after school and like doing baking with them for afternoon tea, but the mum of 2 doesn't want them having too much sugar as they go totally up the walls.
My uncle has an apple orchard that just goe to waste, so we peeled and stewed up what seemed like 50 million apples and froze it.

earthangel4, Jul 15, 5:59am
I can not have sugar so I use mashed banana or fruit juice,it makes no difference to my baking,I also use wholemeal flour instead of white,as I have reactive Hypoglycemia.

sleyle, Nov 22, 5:04pm
I use this recipe and it's a great one, especially with the crunch of the walnuts :-)