My Russian Fudge hasnt set properly.

cmjbp, Nov 3, 3:22am
This is the first time I have made it. It is a lovely colour, tastes good but seems to be only half set. There is no sugary graininess (is that even a word!)
Can I do something to fix it!What have I done wrong!Im thinking I either havnt boiled enough or beaten enough

roundtop, Nov 3, 3:23am
i would get out the beater and beat it hard

cmjbp, Nov 3, 3:26am
OK, I will try that. Thanks

bridget107, Nov 3, 4:04am
.or put the whole thing back in the pot and boil it again.

cmjbp, Nov 3, 4:05am
I think I will have to leave it now til tomorrow. It is too thick to beat as it is now cold. I will have to reheat it I think and then beat again.

bridget107, Nov 3, 4:09am
See what it is like tomorrow morning. Might actually set overnight and be ok! Good luck :-)

badams1, Nov 3, 4:15am
back into the pot, it wont set.back to the soft boil stage. Today i have been making batches of fudge also. What a difference condensed milk makes.

elliehen, Nov 3, 4:55am
I would heat it gently, don't beat, and then stir in till melted 100gm Whittaker's white chocolate.That will guarantee setting.Leave until completely cold before cutting.

cmjbp, Nov 3, 1:01pm
I might try this.OMG though, so much sugar lol

auntlb, Nov 3, 1:26pm
Do this for sure - It's always worked for me

cmjbp, Nov 3, 4:16pm
I will definately do this. Will have to go to the shop to get some chocalte. Thanks for all the help.I will let you know how it goes.

claudds, Nov 3, 4:25pm
samedisasterhappenedtomenotlongago. ireboileditandbeat
itturneditoutontoplatebutwassohardicouldnotcutit. out
thedoor. madeanotherbatchithinkitishowsoftyousimmerit.
mynextlotwasmuchbetter. goodluck. keepontrying.