Idiot proof moist sponge cake

lindylambchops1, Oct 27, 11:22pm
Idiot proof moist sponge cake, takes 5 mins to prepare
1 mug sugar
2 mugs flour
1 mug milk
1 mug cooking oil
4 eggs
1( 7g )pkt dried yeast
Zest of lemon or orange
Chuck it all in a bowl, whisk for 5 mins, place mixture in lined tin, cook til its done! its delicious! And you can freeze it!
you can use 1 cup of drinking chocolate in place of one of the cups of flour if you like

angel361, Oct 27, 11:28pm
Wow thanks, always like seeing and reading these recipies, havent tried any yet, I am a hopeful baker, hope this is as easy as they say idion proof scones are!