Hi. Came home from work to the sad news that my husband accidentally broke the bowl of my trusty old Kenwood :( So now I'm looking for a replacement (bowl, not husband!) Are the plastic or stainless steel bowls as good! They seem to be easier to find than the glass (I think) one that I'm used to.
Oct 14, 6:00pm
carlos57, I have no experience with either a glass or stainless steel Kenwood bowl.Any of the Kenwoods that I have used (one that was in the house we rented, and the two I own/have owned have/had plastic bowls which I have no problems with.:-))
Oct 14, 6:20pm
I broke my trusty 30 year old plastic bowl a few years ago and bought a glass one on trademe.Both as good as each other in my view.
Oct 14, 6:34pm
Thanks. So it might just be a case of getting what I can find for a reasonable price. I want to replace it quickly because I use my Kenwood a lot.
Oct 14, 11:53pm
I have found extra bowls for my Kenwood in op shops, usually at about $30, and buy stainless steel for preference. I like having extra bowls. When you have egg whites to whip as part of a recipe, for instance, it makes the job that much faster. so long as the bowl fits, of course - I've just bought a second-hand Major, which has a bigger bowl.
Oct 15, 12:01am
Hello, can someone please describe the older kenwood bowls to me - I have a heavy white glass bowl here at mine that Im sure must be off an old mixer but I dont know which. It could be just what you are looking for and I would be happy to list it if this is so. Just a thought and it could be of more use to somebody else if it is.Thanks.
Oct 15, 12:21am
Hmm perhaps not - Ive just had alook on here and it doesnt resemble any of the kenwood ones Ive seen - its just really heavy so I presumed it must have been off something of that nature.
Oct 15, 12:26am
I've found out that a new one would cost $73.50, so I'm now deciding what to do. Thanks for all the help :)
Oct 15, 4:46am
OP, look under the machine for the model#eg 901. A701 etc.that may help if someone has the same model.google "kenwood mixers from then to now"!
Oct 15, 4:49am
I have three Came with a plastic one. Easy to use Purchased a stainless steel - with pavlova in mind Given the glass/Pyrex - which is my favorite
Oct 15, 4:51am
I purchased by stainless of TM.In fact I purchased an ancient ken wood mixer, from some on in a small town.
I think the cost of postage put other people off bidding. And when i won the auction , I asked their permission to post just the bowl, and for them to decide what to do with the mixer (suggesting an op shop, or them re selling)
The vendor was happy with this.
Got the bowl for around $25
Oct 15, 5:00am
I have both plastic and stainless. I bought the plastic one because I can put it in the microwave to melt butter before using it to cream the butter and sugar.Otherwise I use the stainless one as it cleans so easily.I got my plastic one in an op shop for $10.00!If I could only have one bowl, it would be the stainless one.
Oct 15, 2:41pm
Thanks again. I do know the model number of mine, so that's making things a bit easier. The only problem is that sellers of bowls don't always know the model they're meant for. I'll keep looking, and maybe try some op shops. As I said, I want to replace it as soon as possible!
Oct 15, 3:14pm
I just have a stainless steel one and its great.
Oct 15, 5:23pm
I only ever had stainless ones and they never break or wear out. They can also be put on the wood stove to melt the butter or chocolate.
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