Commercial cheesecake filling for Lime Pie?

diamondgirl06, Apr 18, 7:37pm
I'm considering using this instead of condensed milk, which is what every recipe I can find suggests.
Anyone had any success with the "pre made" cheesecake filling?

aktow, Apr 19, 11:17am
a lot of catering centres and buffet restaurants usepacket cheese cake mixes. . just add water to packet . some use them as a base and add other ingredients like fruits or toppings to the mixes.

amazing_grace, Apr 19, 3:20pm
Um, well the best LIme Pie goes like this. Take 1 container of cream and pour it into a big bowl, add 1 can condensed milk, add juice and grated rind of about 5 limes or lemons. Pour over a crumb crust. Let set for at least 6hrs.

purplegoanna, Apr 19, 4:49pm
the stuff from the supermarket? yip yummmmoooo

pickles7, Apr 20, 3:06am
what sets this recipe? ? ? ?

fogs, Apr 20, 7:20pm
In the chiller of the supermarket yummy easy but expensive. Tarua brand I think. Packet cheescakes work too but are no way as quick

amazing_grace, Apr 20, 9:59pm
Pickles, it sets somehow... a reaction between the lemon juice and the cream I guess!

diamondgirl06, Apr 21, 12:24am
Thanks for all the suggestions - I ended up "free style-ing"and turned it into a Lime and Coconut Pie - which I highly recommend btw

1 pkt "Krispie" (coconut) biscuits, crushed and200 grams melted butter - mixed together and pressed into sping form tin for base.
Half a cup of lime juice (give or take), which is apx 7 limes, and the zest from them, mixed with 1 can sweetened condensed milk, and a "handful" of coconut - mix together and pour on top of base - refrigerate for 24 hours. Serve with whipped cream
Devour and enjoy ! Delish !

alebix, Feb 19, 12:52pm
The lemon juice sets the cream... . .