My son brought one home and wants us to try. ok but how!
Oct 4, 6:12am
mydad used to fry it with fried bread and an egg many years ago and eat for sunday brekkie i would inagine there is a much healthier option these days
Oct 4, 6:17am
We have it quite regularly - just slice it and gently fry it.I usually do it in the pan with a bit of bacon, cos that's what the other half has for breakfast.When we were in Ireland (he's Irish) brekky every day consisted of black pudding, white pudding (which is even yummier) an egg and toast. I find it easier to cook by cutting off a decent length of the "sausage" then slicing that lengthwise.Just as good to cut off rounds of itthough.Good on it's own, but also great with a bit of HP sauce.=)
Oct 4, 6:18am
I slice and fry it. Great with eggs or bubble and squeak. I also have it cookd and then crumbled in some soups like broccoli or cauli. I usually make those with the vege and onion cooked in stock and then blended.
Oct 4, 6:43am
Also really nice with pan fried apple.
Oct 4, 8:25am
My dad used to cook black pudding (very Irish - he was Irish) fried for breakfast with bacon and eggs,fried bread or toast.just slice in rings.lovely
Oct 4, 8:43am
What I wouldnt give for some decent black pudding!Havn't had any luck finding a decent one here in N.Z.It's one thing I look forward to when going back home to Ireland. Oh and yep,frying it is the way to go.
Oct 4, 9:58am
carrie - have you , by any chance, found white pudding here in NZ!Helliers black pudding isn't so bad, probably the best we've found here,Still not a patch on the Irish stuff.
Oct 4, 11:22am
We bought some black pudding today at Westmeatson Blenheim rd. Haven't cooked it yet but looks good. The Butcher at Barrington mall sells white pudding and its really good, not exactly as good as the stuff from home ( I'm Irish too) but still yum!
Oct 4, 7:07pm
Leonard's Black Pudding is far better than Hellers.have yet to try the Blackball Black Pudding thatapparently is the BEST !
Oct 4, 7:36pm
Isn't Black Pudding a flash name for pig's blood and fat!
Oct 4, 7:45pm
Pretty much.But it is so tasty!
Oct 4, 7:48pm
I second blackball, they do black and white puddings, delish. We had black pudding for dinner last night with fried tatties and egg.
Oct 4, 8:41pm
otterhound-No,I havn't come across any white pudding here,only ever see the black. Have tried lots of brands but find they all seem to be quite dry.
Oct 4, 9:02pm
I'd hardly call it a flash name - it's just the English name for blood sausage.French = Boudin Noir, German = Blutwurst, Spanish = Morcilla.
Oct 4, 9:03pm
Blackball Black Pudding is the best I've found in NZ.We have it for breakfast with bacon & eggs. doesn't really matter does it!.I mean there's no getting away from it - the stuff is what it is.pig's blood and fat whether it is known by another name in another land or not!
Oct 4, 11:16pm
I don't quite get your point.Black pudding is what it is, and no-one is trying to disguise what it's made from.
Oct 4, 11:58pm
Really! No need to be contrary.My point is that Black Pudding or the French or German name that you give it is just another name for pig's blood and fat.
Oct 5, 12:19am
And your problem is!
Oct 5, 12:28am
We just slice it across and lightly fry it (or grill it) and have it with poached eggs and mushrooms. If you put the poached egg on a Vegemite toast, you won't need bacon.
I had the famous Ulster Fry in Belfast, aka Heart Attack on a Plate. Really delicious if you stick to having it only a few times a year. Agreed their white pudding is excellent - though our Irish hostess told us her father brought hers in Dublin as Northern Irish black and white puddings were not as good as the Southern stuff. but I don't want to start a war here. Anyway, she was from Armagh!
Oct 5, 1:21am
I don't have a problem - I was merely affirming that it is pig’s blood and fat – heck!.no need for people to get on the band-wagon and be defensive about it! pppffft!
Oct 5, 1:32am
That's the same as saying "Wholemeal Bread is just another name for wheat flour and salt".
Oct 5, 3:49am
You obviously have a problem with eating blood. Well, fyi, it is probably one of the highest iron foods around. As well as being very tasty it is extremely nutritious. Just to gross you out further, brawn is the meat from pig's heads and trotters, tongue is actual tongue, oxtail is divine and lamb neck chops are a firm favourite in our house. Liver is also a delicacy much appreciated. Others have no problems eating sweetmeats, which are testicles and brains are totally delicious as well as kidneys. Lol.
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