Does anyone have the receipe for this please (as seen on TV last week) its on page 219 of her Cook Book liked the look of it but do not want to buy the receipe book have enough as it is.Thanks in advance.
Sep 24, 4:09am
lol look down :) Will bump it up for ya!
Sep 24, 4:11am
From an earlier thread with the same request.
"Orange Lightening Cake - Annabel Langbein 1 orange (unpeeled) 1 tsp Baking soda 125gms softened butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups flour 1 cup sultanas or raisins 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 160 deg C. Grease a 20cm diameter cake tin and line the base with baking paper. Cut the orange into quarters, remove the seeds and whizz in a food processor until finely chopped. Dissolve B soda in 1/2 cup water and add to the food processor with butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla and flour. Whizz to combine. Add sultanas or raisins, and walnuts if using, and stir with a spoon or pulse several times to just combine (don't whizz them or they will break up) Pour into prepared cake tin and bake until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. (about 1 hour) Orange lightening cake will keep in an airtight container for up to a week or can be frozen.
geldof (75 )8:01 pm, Sat 22 Sep #4":-))
Sep 24, 4:11am
Annabel Langbein - Orange lightning Cake - so called as it is quick as lightening to make.
1 whole organic orange - cut it into quarters, put into the food processor and whizz to paste. add 1/2 Cup water with 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in it 2 eggs 1 Cup Sugar 2 Cups plain flour 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 125g softened butter - NOT melted. Whizz together.
add - 1 Cup dried fruit, 1/2 cup walnuts and just pulse to mix in. Do not get it chopped up.
Into lined tin. Bake 1 hour 160oC
Sep 24, 4:31am
awesome Thankyou.Was just coming online to ask about this.
Sep 24, 5:00am
Was just going to ask the same. Many thanks.
Sep 24, 5:13am
Thanks - now I have a happy other half :-)
Sep 24, 5:28am
made thistoday hasabittertasteasyou dowhen eatingorangepeel mightneed more sugarto sweeten
Sep 24, 6:25am
Sounds like the recipe that did the rounds on here a few years ago.'everyone' raved about it.I tried it once and never again. yuck. but I wonder if annabelle reads he MB, lol
Sep 24, 12:56pm
to get around this, I think I'd just zest the orange then remove all the white stuff and just use the zest and the flesh.Would stop the bitterness.
Sep 24, 3:08pm
I forgot to take this recipe down when watching her show.So thanks very much to those who have put it up.
Sep 24, 4:07pm
i make one, but you boil the oranges or lemons first.
Sep 24, 5:47pm
andwasthinkingabout thedifferentorangesaswelltherearesweetertypesout there
Sep 24, 6:03pm
I reckon if you chop off the two ends of the orange so that a good proportion of the peel is gone without sacrificing too much zest it'll be better.Some varieties just have so much pith compared to actual flesh.
Sep 24, 11:29pm
You could use a peeler and peel the rind off and then take off the pith and dump it l just made this cake using blood oranges from my tree as they have less pith than the other tree and smells so nice When l make this cake with the other oranges l will peel them etc as they have a very pithy bitter taste but flesh is sweet and the zest is very orangey so l won't lose flavour
Sep 25, 12:07am
Made this cake on sunday, its awsome, very moist and great. Used the orange just as it says in the recipe.
Sep 25, 1:57am
Try mandarines - no bitter taste using these.
Sep 25, 7:17pm
I made this cake last night and used a Tangarine with apricots and walnuts and it is yummy. i had it with yoghurt last night then today just on its own. Yummy.
Sep 25, 11:10pm
have just made it looks and smells awesome hope it tastes the same
Sep 25, 11:39pm
It's in the oven now :-)I've substituted the walnuts for chocolate chunks. And I suspect that the 'oranges' that I picked up from the 'help yourself' box at work turned out to be tangelos.
Sep 26, 12:06am
How many mandarines = 1 orange!
Sep 26, 1:14am
I made this cake today,it was a bit of a failer,cook for the right about of time,but was rather soggy, at the bottom of cake,still eatable,thou'.
Sep 26, 2:19am
Hello recipes :) I'm normally found on pets and animals.
Anyway - my centsworth. I made it using two oranges because I grated the pith off and discarded the white stuff (as suggested by poster above). I did add a tablespoon of golden syrup simply because I find that keeps cakes moister. I added sultanas 'cos my husband worships them.
It was/is gorgeous - so moist !
Sep 26, 2:38am
My mandarine was quite a large one wron, so I only used the one.Worked out fine.It wasn't the "Annabelle" recipe though - I always bake the Magical Orange Cake recipe (from here) and it's always a success.
Sep 26, 2:36pm
Tried it last night yumyum
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