Asparagus Spears

gordonh69, Sep 7, 1:24am
Hi All. Which brand of Asparagus would you recommend to make Asparagus Rolls. I have heard Watties does not rate highly.

davidt4, Sep 7, 1:46am
If you wait for a couple of weeks there will be fresh asparagus everywhere.It's just starting to appear.

korbo, Sep 7, 3:09am
mmmm.roll on the asparagus.hurry. nearly forgotten what you taste like.
Yes, I dont like watties ones.other brands seem ok.

iman007, Sep 7, 3:47am
already had a feed or 2 of asparagus, in wok with other veges, num

gordonh69, Sep 7, 4:43am
Thank you for replying. Just love fresh asparagus but also adore the old classic asparagus rolls. Fresh white bread with crusts removed, margarine and canned asparagus all rolled up.yum

thq, Sep 7, 7:22am
and cream cheese .

keewee_mel, Sep 7, 7:25am
Agree the Watties is a bit gross. I use Trident for my asparagus rolls.