Quorn available from Hell Pizza

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fronta1, Mar 30, 10:00pm
I know this is an old thread, but I just ordered some Quorn products from countdown on-line shopping this week - they had about 4 different products to try.

kaddiew, Mar 30, 10:57pm
Paknsave Paraparaumu has stocked about 8 different Quorn products for a while. I have a packet of the "pieces" in my freezer for my daughter.

daisyhill, Mar 31, 12:00am
Thanks for the heads-up! I'll be heading to our local Countdown tomorrow to see what they have in stock. This is great news.

amasser, Mar 31, 12:48am
Quorn products, imported from England, are available at Pak 'n Save. However, at about $28 per kg., I'm not buying.

daisyhill, Mar 31, 1:09am
If you have a vegetarian husband and are a wife who doesn't much like vegetables but both of you love Quorn, trust me, it's worth paying for a special treat like that now and again. It's the only chicken substitute I've tried that I would (and do) quite often choose instead of chicken.

nauru, Mar 31, 2:43am
Does anyone know if Quorn products are available in Palmerston North stores pls!

uli, Mar 31, 2:49am
Quorn manufacturer faces lawsuit: http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Business/Quorn-manufacturer-faces-lawsuit Those who eat Quorn products can list the products' adverse effects at http://www.cspinet.org/quorn/form.html, a site established by CSPI for that purpose. http://www.vegparadise.com/news16.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quorn

nauru, Mar 31, 2:53am
All old links and news Uli

uli, Mar 31, 2:54am
Thought you might want to know what you are actually eating - maybe NOT!

fronta1, Mar 31, 3:00am
OMG the one I had tonight for dinner was amazing, I'm a quorn convert!

nauru, Mar 31, 3:24am
I already read up on it a long time ago as I'm sure others have too.

daisyhill, Mar 31, 3:59am
Not interested Uli, but maybe some people will be. I'm just delighted it is finally becoming mainstream in New Zealand :-D

motorbo, Mar 31, 6:52am
i cannot understand why someone would want to put even more proccessed items into their bodies, i say everything in moderation, but im really not inot proccessed foods, its been proven how bad they are for you, to me you either eat real meat or you dont eat meat at all .including shaped stuff science created from god knows what

nauru, Mar 31, 7:14am
Each to to their own

lx4000, Mar 31, 2:53pm
oks, good you have found it. But as a vegie, I can never understand why would you want to eat something that looks and tastes like meat! I`m vegie and don't wont to eat it and wouldn't eat anything that tastes and looks like meat! I would just eat meat, why have a sub!

Each to their own taste and no picking at anyone here,just my way of what I eat.

ibcreative, Mar 31, 3:46pm
That's exactly what my vegetarian daughter says. She doesn't like meat & so doesn't like vegetarian products that try to imitate meat or the taste of it. As you said if you are going to eat something that looks and tastes like meat, it may as well be meat.

frances1266, Mar 31, 4:17pm
The obvious reason why people will eat meat subs is because they like the taste of meat but dont want any part in the cruelty involved in eating it.

daisyhill, Mar 31, 6:28pm
Exactly. Lots of vegetarians choose that route for moral reasons, not because they dislike meat - for example, my husband would love to be able to eat something like rare steak again, as he did for many years, but now his conscience won't let him. He misses eating meat and enjoys a guilt-free substitute when he finds one that is reasonably close.

nauru, Mar 31, 7:02pm
And some people like us who are not vegetarian, choose to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We first tried the Quorn while staying with our Indian friends (one of whom is totally vegetarian) in Australia and we quite liked it. We like the chicken pieces and beef strips and occasionally choose to use these instead of meat in our dishes.

bedazzledjewels, Mar 31, 7:02pm
But why eat something that isn't real food! Got me beat!

daisyhill, Mar 31, 7:40pm
You must be quite the paragon of virtue if you only eat "real" food - I assume there is nothing processed or packaged in your cupboards, and you never indulge in something that you know isn't quite as it was when it came out of the ground/out of some animal!

While my diet contains things like Diet Coke, alcohol, and crisps, I'm not going to quibble about a bit of mycoprotein going in there too. It's almost certainly an improvement!

louisesamosa, Mar 31, 7:47pm
In Countdown - saw in freezers the other day.

bedazzledjewels, Mar 31, 7:54pm
It is possible Daisyhill. There's very little processed stuff in my pantry. In fact there's not much in my pantry at all as it's mostly in the fridge and freezer.
And yes, I eat as cleanly as I can. It's called JERF - Just Eat Real Food.

frances1266, Mar 31, 8:04pm
Meat certainly isnt clean nor is dairy.It contains body fluids, blood, pus, drugs etc, yuk

bedazzledjewels, Mar 31, 8:27pm
You're a treasure Frances.