i've got one, but have never tried it. should give it a go.
Jun 18, 12:04am
seriously...big pizza fan here...couldn't believe how nice it turned out
Jun 18, 12:42am
wondering how does it make a difference to normal oven tray. does it cook the base better???? think that's what I have heard.
Jun 18, 1:44am
It really holds the heat, making a nice crisp base.No soggy or half cooked base again.
Jun 18, 2:17am
yes it does make a crispy base. just been to a Simon Holst cooking demo & that's wha he said; creates a nice crsipy base! mmm
Jun 18, 2:42am
I was given one ages ago - but no idea how to use it- any suggestions???
Jun 18, 4:55am
Put it in the oven to warm up when you turn it on to warm up, then slide your pizza onto it right before cooking. Keeping it in the oven is actually quite efficient, as it once it warms up because its a solid mass it helps keep the oven up to temperature, so when you open and close the door the oven doesn't have to work so hard to heat back up. :-)
Jun 18, 8:06am
we bought a couple recently but had a lot of trouble getting the prepared pizza off the board and onto the stone before cooking. They ended up all squased and ripped apart with toppings on the stone and everywhere
Jun 18, 8:27am
Either get someone to make you a baker's peel or prepare your pizza on baking paper and put the paper and all into the oven, though the second option is not as good as the peel.
You can also prepare your pizza on a silicone baking sheet and just slide the pizza off that onto the baking sheet.
Lastly, I have found that it is a good idea to semi cook your base before adding toppings to it. I usually make a pile of bases and par-bake, then freeze for later use, just like bought bases.
Jun 18, 5:06pm
you have to make sure the stone is hot before you use it.
Jul 4, 4:49am
Can you bake scones a pizza stone has anyone tried it do you think it would make nice crispy bottom scones?
Jul 4, 5:14am
Sprinkle the board that you make your pizza on with cornmeal.It will slide right off and onto the stone :)
Jul 4, 9:18pm
I just assemble the pizza on the hot pizza stone.No issues with cooking at all.The base starts to cook a little before going into the oven but if you have all your toppings ready to go it only takes a couple of minutes to throw them on.
Jul 7, 12:31am
yes scones are so good on a pizza stone!
Jul 7, 4:01am
yes the pizza stones are great, but how do you clean them mine is a mess with brown staining?
Jul 7, 4:20am
With long term use the stone will become stained but as it doesn't affect the pizzas ... don't worry about it :)
Jul 7, 4:42am
Make pizza on baking paper on a baking tray then can just slide it off onto stone
Jul 7, 3:31pm
i just usually remove hot stone from oven and finish rolling the dough directly on the stone. then top with toppings and place back into the oven. the extra time of the base on the stone while topping seems to really help with ensuring the base comes out with a lovely crispy base. i have two stones they work really well but i think the trick is to season well before using and never fully wash, a good wipe over with a damp cloth is enough. i always bake scones etc on mine they are the best. i made pizza last night for our dinner, we had caramelised onion,lamb,peppers,feta and mozz. topped off after cooking with rocket and aioli. usually we arent that flash i had stuff in the fridge to use up, thats the beauty of pizza you don't need alot of anything. enjoy your pizza stones
Jul 7, 4:53pm
Any good recipes for a nice pizza base?
Nov 15, 11:01am
my base... 1 cup warm h2o 1 1/2 t yeast 1t sugar 1t salt leave in a warm place to get all froffy
in a bowl put 2 1/2 c flour optional- herbs, curry powder lemon pepper-
add yeast mixture to flour with 2 T olive oil and mix to form a dough. knead adding extra flour as needed to a smooth dough. leave to rest for 5min.
this is enough for 2 thin bases. you can freeze a ball of dough for next time as well, just thaw knead and away you go.
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