Milk Oaties v Rolled Oats

sarahb5, Aug 8, 11:23pm
Is there any difference!I notice I have just bought Milk Oaties instead of my usual rolled oats - are they just a finer version!

mottly, Aug 8, 11:28pm
think so - alot of people buy the cheap one and pop them into the kitchen wizz to make oaties - the pams creamy oats are the same as milk oaties.

harrislucinda, Aug 8, 11:28pm
thinkmilk oatieswillhave amorecreamytasteTheyareoverallthesamebutmay betheyprocess1different

grandma, Aug 9, 12:03am
I use half and half for my man's porridge, as well as half milk and half water - lovely and creamy.

nauru, Aug 9, 2:50am
Yes they are a finer version of rolled oats