Trying to find a rolled oats cookie recipe with...

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appletrees, May 25, 7:14am
A couple of years ago I got a really yummy recipe off here for some cookies that have rolled oats and peanut butter in them. I've lost the recipe :( I can only remember those 2 main ingredients. Does anyone have the recipe please or know where I can find it ?

lindylambchops1, May 25, 7:34am

I Googled & found the above.Google is MY friend.

lindylambchops1, May 25, 7:37am

lindylambchops1, May 25, 7:41am
Chelsea Sugar NZ site has this one

am I getting warm yet????

lindylambchops1, May 25, 7:44am
Peanut Butter Oat Chip Cookies
100g Melted Butter
300g White Sugar
225g Soft Brown Sugar
4 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla
450g Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter
100g Raw Almonds or Peanuts
100g Raisins
250g Chocolate Morsels/Drops
2 1/2 level teaspoons Baking Soda
300g Wholegrain Rolled Oats

In a large bowl mix melted butter and sugars together, add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Add peanut butter and mix well then mix in nuts, raisins and chocolate morsels/drops. Mix baking soda with rolled oats and then add to rest of mixture and mix well until combined.
Put spoonfuls on ungreased trays (tsp amounts for small cookies, tbsp amounts for large ones) don’t put too close together as they do spread.
Bake at 180 C for 10-20 minutes depend
ing on size of cookies, Do Not Overcook, they will go quite brown. A shorter cooking time will give chewy cookies, longer cooking gives crunchy cookies.
Leave on tray to cool slightly before placing on rack to cool completely.

Makes a lot of cookies so recipe can be halved.

lindylambchops1, May 25, 7:46am
Ok last one for you!Food in a Minute

I hope I have found the one you are looking for.

winnie231, May 25, 7:48am

winnie231, May 25, 7:49am
oh - SNAP lindy!!

winnie231, May 25, 7:50am
Or the last recipe on this page ... and I recommend the peanut butter mentioned - Pic's is the best!

pickles7, May 25, 7:54am

lindylambchops1, May 25, 8:34am
LOL Winnie

lindylambchops1, May 25, 8:39am
OMG!they look scrummy yummy!

gerry64, May 25, 8:50am
made some really lovely ones with maple syrup and rolled oats

lindylambchops1, May 26, 4:59am
Oat Biscuits- Tasty And Good For You
Melt in Microwave -
1 dessert spoon golden syrup
1 dessert spoon cold water
115 grams margarine
Stir in 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (will become frothy)

Now add -
1 cup oats
1 cup self raising flour
3/4 cup sugar
Mix together dried and melted ingredients.
Roll into balls the size of a teaspoon.
Put onto a greased tray and squash balls.

Courtesy of Vicki Churchillfrom the GrownUps website

appletrees, May 26, 7:14am
A couple of years ago I got a really yummy recipe off here for some cookies that have rolled oats and peanut butter in them. I've lost the recipe :( I can only remember those 2 main ingredients. Does anyone have the recipe please or know where I can find it !

lindylambchops1, May 26, 7:41am

winnie231, May 26, 7:48am

winnie231, May 26, 7:49am
oh - SNAP lindy!

lindylambchops1, May 26, 7:50am
bumping for appletrees

winnie231, May 26, 7:50am
Or the last recipe on this page . and I recommend the peanut butter mentioned - Pic's is the best!

pickles7, May 26, 7:54am

appletrees, May 26, 8:05am
Thanks so much everyone ! Some very yummy looking recipes there. Would you believe I've found the long lost recipe ?! It had fallen down the back of the kitchen drawer . I don't have a recipe book, just had it written on a piece of refil paper. The cookies are called Scroggen biscuits. I'll do a search on here and if they don't pop up,I will post the recipe. Thanks again :)

appletrees, May 26, 8:10am
Scroggen biscuits (makes approx 40).
200g butter
1/4 cup of crunchy peanut butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/2-2 cups of plain white flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups of rolled oats
1 cup choc chips
1 cup sultanas
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Mix together butter and the first 5 ingredients until smooth. Sift in flour and baking powder, then add the rest. Mix by hand or with a wooden spoon. Bake at 180 c for approx 12 minutes or until a light golden colour. Remove from oven and cool on a rack. Thanks to the person who originally posted this recipe on trademe !

lindylambchops1, May 26, 8:48am
Thanks appletrees!Time to buy a note book & write them all down eh!

appletrees, Sep 30, 11:48am
Thanks so much everyone ! Some very yummy looking recipes there. Would you believe I've found the long lost recipe !! It had fallen down the back of the kitchen drawer . I don't have a recipe book, just had it written on a piece of refil paper. The cookies are called Scroggen biscuits. I'll do a search on here and if they don't pop up,I will post the recipe. Thanks again :)