I'll appreciate any tip regarding working with lots and lots of onions for pickling.
I did 4 bags last night, had them stored in fridge to lessen the onions' effects as suggested as a tip by mother in law (a theory which didn't work!).
I tried pinning my nose which according to popular belief, stop fumes from entering your nose (which is true of course) to avoid a chain reaction leading to eyes producing lots and lots of tears (not to mention red eyes, sneezing and coughing up yellow fluid which I figured was accumulated onions' airbourne particles having been inhaled and trapped in throat). Funnily enough, I had onion juice squirted accidentally in my eyes.to no further effect!! Hubby was amused to see a miserable, red eyed, snorting, knife welding 'wretch', hunching over onions.he didn't call me a wrench either! :/
So wearing a peg didn't work and i didn't bother with a pair of goggles since I don't have a pair but that theory wouldn't work would it!
Anyone here got some 'well and tried' tips that'll help me survive longer with processing onions for picklings!Its truly a suicidal mission and I love my pickled onions.but whenever I think about prepping onions, it felt like getting ready for the firing squad!
Oh I would love a quicker way of peeling them too (I just rip/clawed the 1st fleshy layer off, to avoid piddling around with the papered layers.*at least I'm not doing horseradishes, that stuff blows your sinuses out! lol.* Anyone, any suggestion and useful tips would be my savior!
Aug 8, 11:32pm
My home economics teacher used to swear by holding a crust of bread in her mouth as she chopped onions. Seems the bread absorbs the fumes or something. I have never needed to try it myself but might be worth a shot!
You could also try prepping them underwater, although that might be more hassle than it's worth.
Good luck!
Aug 8, 11:36pm
I can see my hubby raising his eyebrow at me.but I will try that theory when I do another lot.as I'm planning on doing a lot more a.s.a.p.will put aside a notebook to tick and cross off each tips and theories lol. *must not swallow bread during the process!*
Aug 9, 12:02am
Here's a tip from Juliewn who's a star around here for excellent hints & recipes .
Pickled Onions: Peel onions and place in jars - I do this outside on our BBQ table - on a breezy day, and sit so the wind is going past you from one side of you to the other. and on. - and it takes all the eye watering stuff away! In each jar, place 2-4 tsps brown sugar (or honey if you prefer), and a tsp of whole black peppercorns. Fill with vinegar, place lids on and you're done. Leave two weeks before using. I use malt vinegar - you can also use white or spiced vinegar. You can also add some whole cloves or whole chillies for a hotter, spicier result. Quote juliewn (2048 )4:59 pm, Fri 14 Sep #6
Aug 9, 12:48am
Have you got a fan handy!I have a fan above my bench/island and it works a treat, no more painful tears
Aug 9, 12:53am
lol yes I've tried peeling onions outside, that was before winter and it was a lovely day out so enjoyed it when there was a slight breeze but its cold at the moment (my hands will freeze! lol).
Hmm unfortunately kvb, I've no handy fan to put up in my kitchen, that is a wonderful idea!Might have a looksie on some auctions to see if there's any about ;-)
For the next lot throw them in the freezer for 15 -30 minutes before peeling,Mr pickles all the onions for me and never heard him complain, so it could be worth a try.
Aug 9, 2:07am
Really!onion goggles!Never heard of them lol!Have we got them in NZ!
Oh i will try out the 15-20mins freeze when I do my next lot!
Aug 9, 2:11am
If I am wearing my glasses I bawl when peeling onions.If I have my contact lenses in - no problem at all.The contacts must put a proctive layer over the eye to block out the onion.So if you don't have contact lenses I wonder about swimming goggles as they have a seal around the face so water can't get in - maybe!
Aug 9, 2:18am
oh 'bogger' lol. must I go and buy some goggles!
So the onions affects pupil of the eyes!That's interesting isn't it!
Aug 9, 2:51am
Yes, they are sold in New Zealand
Aug 9, 10:45am
I was cutting onions for a school bbq (everyone else said we didn't need onions lol). I resorted to the kids swimming goggles. yep looked like total dork but it worked!
Aug 9, 7:44pm
Many of my favourite meals start with 'peel and finely chop 2 onions' and my eyes just stream. I have tried all sorts but the one that works the best is the fan one. I didnt have a fan as such, so I use a fan heater set on cold, set up on the bench, and that works well
Aug 9, 9:10pm
I pour boiling water over my onions and sit for short while before peeling and find that speeds up the process.
Aug 9, 10:12pm
l remember mum with swimming goggles on to do the onions and feed out hay in the winter and they worked for both jobs
Aug 9, 11:30pm
I use an old pair if swimming goggles and it does work. They were expensive competition grade goggles so do have a really good seal. Would look a lot less odd in the onion goggles!
Aug 9, 11:50pm
I'm the same - I haven't cried while cutting onions since I got my contact lenses 16 or 17 years ago :o)
Aug 10, 1:31am
I used safety goggles the other day when I was doing a bulk lot of onions, they worked really well. They're not the type with the foam seal, just the cheap plastic ones. You can wear them over regular glasses too.
Aug 10, 1:41am
Yes, contact lenses do help too because they cover so much of the eye's surface. I always thought I was impervious to onion irritation but after getting laser surgery in 2007 I discovered that in fact I am not, LOL.
Aug 10, 2:17am
I always soak the pickling onions in very hot water to loosen the skins for 5 mins or so and don't have a problem with stinging eyes, but then normal onion chopping rarely make my eyes water and I chop onions at least 3 times a week.
Aug 10, 3:32am
When an onion is cut, the moisture or mist comes out of the cell structure of the onion.I can't remembr exactly what acid it is; but when cut and exposed to the air, it forms an oxide gas.
This vapour is attracted to water, and will go straight for the eyes instantly, since your eyeballs are sitting in water.
I generally have the tap running alongside when chopping onions.Or, as soon as you cut the top off it, dunk the cut side in a little water. This will mostly illuminate the effect on the eyes.
If you dice onions by slicing them in half first, dunk the large cut-side in water and then place cut-side down on your chopping board. I dice them from whole, but a little bit of water will help immensely.
Aug 10, 8:26am
my boss puts a match stick in his mouth and has that hanging out his mouth while chopping onions
Aug 12, 5:23am
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