Add to 4 to 5+ cupsflour10 teaspoons BP and mix with a knife. This should be a wettish mix.
Oven at 230oC for about 10 mins. Date or sultana scones. Soak dried fruit in milk for an hour or so before making.
Jul 21, 2:07am
good lord, 10 teaspoons of baking powder! That will taste awful, just put 1 teaspoon per cup of flour and 1 extra if you feel like it, but don't put 10 teaspoons.
Jul 21, 2:09am
i put two 2t of BP per cup of flour in my scones. they are light and fluffy.
the recipe has 5 cups of flours, so although that is alot, it doesn't seem excessive
Jul 21, 2:10am
Nope, try and see for yourself! Where else do you add an egg and melt butter in scones! This ARE fantastic! Also note how much flour is in them also!
Jul 21, 2:13am
sorry guys but I never put in that much baking powder and mine are always light and high.I just can't see how they would taste good with 2 teaspoons per cup.yuk
Jul 21, 5:01am
The standard Edmonds recipe is 2 tsps BP to 1 cup of flour. That impossible scones recipe must make a huge quantitiy. 5 cups of flour is a big mix.normal recipes are around 2-3 cups.maybe you could halve it! Here is a recipe for Featherlite scones: Maybe originally from the Elfin SR flour pkt or also contains an egg.
Featherlite scones: 1 egg 1 dessertspoon sugar 25gms melted butter 3/4 cup milk 2 cups self raising flour 1/2 tsp salt Beat egg and sugar together till thick. Add butter to warmed milk. Sift together flour and salt. Make a well and with a knife, stir in egg mixture, then milk mixture, to a soft dough. Roll out onto a floured surface and cut into squares. Bake at 200deg C for 10-12 mins.
Jul 21, 5:09am
dont thinki wouldtrythoseas10 tspbpyuckwouldtastesalty
Jul 21, 3:41pm
yes, it makes a big batch of scones. I freeze some and zap them in the microbe if there is too many for the amount off ppl here.
I like it as its a basic recipe and I can add anything to them. And yip, its always good to have some in the freezer for when ppl pop in :)
Nope, not salty and not an over powering taste of BP ! If they did, I wouldn't make themor I would have adjusted the amount!
Jul 21, 3:48pm
Anyways, no matter what recipe you use, soak the dried fruit, dates in the milk for at least an hour before you make them! This will make them soft and juice and not hard as like the scones you normally buy! :)
Happy bakin !
Jul 21, 4:05pm
I believe you about the recipe; I'm sure it does make a good Large batch. When I make them I usually only make just enough so there's no leftovers as I like them crispy bottomed. So for me, I'd have to halve your recipe.
Jul 21, 10:48pm
For 5 cups of flour.As Kinna pointed out the Edmonds recipe is 2t per cup of flour, this is the same ratio people.
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