Miss eleven is thinking of doing a lemonade stand outside our house next weekend.
Any tips.
Any comments on price.
Jul 22, 6:29am
Tell everyone at school because you don't have many people walking past your house .
Jul 22, 7:10am
Best tip is to wait until it's summer!People will be hot and thirsty then!
Jul 22, 7:31am
Sorry, forgot to say that our neighbour is selling there house, our cul de sac was PACKED today.
Miss eleven has wanted to do something like this for months, will can it if the weather is cr@p.
Also, means it is all done and dusted in half an hour or forty five minutes.
Jul 22, 7:53am
Good on her - the lemon trees are loaded at the moment. People will still like a nice refreshing drink even tho it's not summer. A bit of mint and a few slices of lemon in the jug make it look pretty and she could start now making ice cubes with a mint leaf in each one. She could also add some sliced ginger when she heats the water and sugar to make the syrup then strain it out. Gives the lemon a bit of a lift.Good luck
Jul 22, 9:30am
Yes then - worth it if there are guaranteed customers
Jul 22, 9:57am
Are you in Wellington next weekend!
Jul 22, 9:12pm
No - sorry - and the pool's closed at the moment too so Miss 21 won't be over your way either.I will tell her though - might get some passing student traffic - what time!
Jul 22, 9:35pm
I suggest you have a few cookies available-good luck to her.
Jul 22, 9:41pm
Too cute. I would def buy some if I was going past. As long as everything looked clean and pretty.
Jul 22, 11:37pm
2pm was the open hone this week
Jul 23, 12:02am
Happy to spread the word
Jul 23, 12:57am
Talk to the real estate agent maybe they would sponsor for a complimentary drink to all customers :) Just say to him 20 bucks for a large jug full your daughter may end up with a regular gig following the agent around. She could then register the business and franchise it to all schoolkids for a percentage then retire before leaving school. :)
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