Lemonade drink

claudds, Mar 22, 4:28pm

buzzy110, Mar 22, 5:24pm
Water kefir. Lemon flavoured, all traces of bitterness removed by the fermentation action of the kefir grains and non-sugary. And it is fizzy as well. It also involves hardly any work and only one jar so no dirty dishes either. Yummo.

cookessentials, Mar 23, 3:05am
1.5 kg sugar;6 lemons (I sometimes use a couple more) 50g citric acid;boiling water.Peel the rind of two of the lemons leaving off the pith. Place peel & two cups of the sugar into food processor and whizz until sugar is yellow and oily.Squeeze all six lemons and mix with sugar/lemon,citric acid.Add boiling water to make up to 3 litres,stir till sugar dissolves.Cool and store in fridge.This is a concentrate -so mix with either water or sparkling mineral water and ice.NOTE: I do this to MY taste and add more rind and juice if necessary.

kaddiew, Mar 23, 3:16am
cookessentials - could you make this with grapefruit, or would it not be strong enough! Or half lemon, half grapefruit!

cookessentials, Mar 23, 3:19am
Hi kaddiew, I dont see why not. Maybe halve the recipe and try it first.I dont know how the grapefruit rind would go though, maybe use lemon rind for that part!

kaddiew, Mar 23, 3:24am
Thanks will do that. :) Lemon rind is a good idea - the grapefruit rinds are a bit rough and discoloured.

cookessentials, Mar 24, 4:29pm
I also think the grapefruit rind will be too bitter.

korbo, Mar 24, 4:44pm
yes grapefruit juice like the lemon is very nice. I make up the same recipe.

schnauzer11, Mar 24, 6:17pm
Just one point-heat destroys vitamin C.I make a syrup by boiling about a cup of sugar with 2 cups of water.Let it cool.I then add about 3 cups of lemon juice.Store in the fridge in a well-washed wine bottle.Some in a glass,topped up with cold water or soda water is delish,and never lasts long in this house!