Creamy Leek and Potato Soup Ingredients: 4 large leeks sliced into 4cm pieces2 potatoes peeled and thinly sliced1 onion peeled and thinly sliced1/2 cup butter salt and black pepper2 cloves 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley to use as garnish 1 litre water2 oxo chicken cubes 130 ml fresh cream Method: Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the leeks, onion and potatoes over medium heat for about 10 minutes Add cloves, salt and pepper. Add the water and the stock cubes and stir to dissolve Cover and let it simmer gently for 30-40 minutesRemove cloves and put through a blender Reheat and let simmer for five minutesStir in the cream and spoon into heated soup bowlsGarnish with sprinkle of parsley.
Apr 15, 2:37am
Ohhh yes cream! Thats what it's missing! Thanks Fisher! :)
Apr 15, 2:38am
Would milk substitute for cream? or just wouldn't do it?
Apr 15, 3:24am
nup... wouldn't be creamy then would it :}
Apr 15, 6:19am
that sounds devine fisher,
Apr 15, 7:10pm
sorry but dumb q regarding leeks, how much to you actually use on a leek, everytime im finished chopping off what i think you dont use, there seems to be more rubbish than useable leek, does tat sound right, thanks
Apr 15, 8:33pm
. . trim off the end and cut about 5 or so cms above the "V". . Can cut into rings or slice length wards, then into half rings and wash thoroughly to get all the dirt out...
Apr 15, 8:53pm
I guess the "obvious" is leeks and potato LOL :)
In addition I put in cream, salt, pepper or chilli, and fried bacon.
Bon appetit :)
Apr 15, 10:28pm
But but but... ULI... for the purists. . that would make creamy leek and potato, BACON and CHILI soup. :}}
Apr 15, 10:44pm
Some people, myself included, actually use the green part as well. In fact I quite like some of the green leaves in leek and potato soup. Other uses for the green, throwaway part is to make vegetable stock with. You chop it up with all the other bits and pieces of scraps that people seem to think they shouldn't eat, sauté, add water and seasonings and boil for a while (say 15mins). Strain the stock and Bob's your uncle.
Those other bits and pieces can include the outer leaves of cabbage and broccoli, carrot peelings, celery leaves, tops and tails of beans, offcuts from tomatoes, green leaves on spring onions, bottoms of brussel sprouts and broccoli stalks and even scrubbed potato peel.
Apr 15, 10:54pm
lol fisher. Does that mean the the correct name for Leek and Potato soup should be Leek, Potato, Cream, Water and Salt soup?
Surely the addition of a bit of chilli would just make it Spicy Leek and Potato soup flavoured with Bacon, if bacon were added. I thought a soup that had bacon in the title used robust parts of the bacon like the bones and hock. I could be quite wrong and I'm sure there will be someone who will delight in pointing that out.
What if it was made with vegetable stock? Would it become Leek, Potato, Vegetable stock, Water, Chilliand Cream soup.
Now I'm confused.
Apr 15, 11:22pm
Yes - of course - I always think after posting - now why did I worry LOL :)
How is your chilli harvest this year - was a good season down here LOL :)
Apr 15, 11:26pm
your confused... . I thought i put up a simple recipe. . hahahaha now it depends on how much "fried bacon" that uli mentions to actually change the title. . more than a handful ? ? ? or just enough to add flaover. . Then the spicy bit... chilli... will it change the flavour if I add a lot because I want heat. . ? ? ? ? Now I wish I had put leeks in the garden when I was sposde toooo. . Only thing I missed out. . got everything else going... Actually buzzy, I have been professing that folks should make their own vege stock for years. . mentioned it many a time. . ... outer leaves of cabbage, cauli and broccoli, carrot peelings and ends, celery leaves and stalk ends, green leaf tips on spring onions, and cauli/broccoli stalks and even potato and kumurapeel. . those outer parts of the onions and the offcuts. . just chuck it all in... Boil it for an hour with lid on and adding a little water half way through... strain... cool. . and into labeled ice cream container and into freezer. . can add one/two beef or chicken stock cube when / if required later. .
Apr 15, 11:32pm
Uli. . I have Hungarian Wildfire. . Jalapeno and Pimento for wifey to make her southern usa cheese. . most dehydrator dried and whizzed up in magic bullet to powder consistency and some whole for freezer. . Just planted more in raising mix for next year crop but not doing so many. . only 4 of each. . Winter gardens so much better/productive up here... (Did you want some pimento seeds. . hard to get in nz) Only pick the best pods and keep them planted away from the other chillies. .
Apr 16, 1:32am
You mention cloves... cloves of garlic or spice cloves (as in stewed apples)? Just seems spice cloves might not be the right flavour. Thanks for clarifying
Apr 16, 1:32am
NOW you are pulling my strings - of course YES I do want some LOL :) Just put a few seeds into an envelope and send to ... ahhh here we go ... must get an address ... :) Keep the seeds in the meantime ... :)
Apr 16, 1:37am
Ah fisher - another thing - we are currently getting a "pumpkin group" together down here - meaning everybody keeps just 1 variety going - so they are all true to type and we can keep the seeds ... BUT we all "share" all the pumpkins - meaning you can have some early ones (which need eating now) and some later ones and some storage ones ... and next year we will "rotate" ...
Hard to describe the idea I guess - but if you are interested - and far away from anyone else growing pumpkins (bees fly 2km easily ... )- then let me know :)
Apr 16, 5:33am
Its why I keep the pimento away from the other chillies. . to "try" to keep them as "clean" as possible. . I pick the best mature pods and use a magnifying glass to pick out the perfect seeds... It's min 9 months from go to harvest. . so let me know... (i'll put up a 50c buy now) ... just planted mine. . I have two open sections beside me but avid gardeners some 70m and 100m on the other sides. . not conducive to keeping the "strain"... and Kathy likes butternut moreover than crown pumpkin. . we grow three varieties all beside each other mainly for space. . the proverbial green butternut, best crop and our favourite, the brown bell butternut. . and a few crown. .
Apr 16, 6:08am
The purist of the pure 'authentic-only' few seem to have disappeared from Recipes ;)
fisher, when cleaning leeks, after leaving a good bit of the green above the white, I cut a long cross down into the white and turn it upside down under a running tap to wash out the dirt that collects there. I discard only the tougher outer green leaves and there's little waste.
Apr 16, 11:49am
the potato and leeks should be pushed through a strainer orput in a blender.
Feb 12, 12:59pm
fisher, just noticed... how come you didn't get slapped around the ears with a wet fish for using oxo cubes? ? Anyone else would have been... ;)
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