Hi, looking for any tips on how to best cook vegetables in a glass hot air oven. Anybody experimented with pre treatment of them before or whilst part cooked ! Which veges suit this type of cooking andwhich don't !
Jul 26, 7:17pm
rojill, sorry I can't help you with any tips (I don't have one of those ovens) but I suggest that you try doing a search here on this Trademe MB using convection or convection oven as the Keyword(s) and Last year as the Date posted option - you'll find quite a number of earlier threads that may be helpful for you.:-))
Jul 27, 4:53am
Thank you. Will do .
Jul 27, 9:23pm
I use one of those ovens, I tend to roast my veges as we prefer them that way.I pre-cook them in the microwave first about 7 minutes, then drain. I mix together a little oil and some herbs and spices (whatever combination you like) in a bowl, then toss the veges and put onto the cooking rack in the oven, cook @ 190C for about 30 mins. I do wedges the same way, we like garlic and rosemary added to the oil before tossing the pre-cooked wedges.
Jul 28, 8:55pm
I do the same!
Jul 28, 9:51pm
Are you asking about those portable benchtop convection ovens!
If so, they're marvelous for roasting.
I just shake the veg in a plastic bag with some oil, herbs, seasonings, then dump them into the convection and they roast up beautifully.Spuds nicely crisped crunchy on the outside, soft, fluffy inside.Pumpkins, kumara, carrots, parsnips, onions too.
You can wrap veg in foil parcels and they will cook as steamed veg.Have done pumpkin, brocolli, cauli and corn cobs this way, also frozen peas. All turn out wonderfully.
The roast veg doesn't take as long as in the standard oven.
Best of all, I am disabled, my hands deformed so using a conventional oven is very difficult and dangerous for me.With the convections, you're meant to turn the veg half way through cooking to speed up cooking time but I don't bother.
Jul 29, 7:22pm
I've got one of those ovens.Dad give it to me when mum passed away on boxing day.I've never used it cos i don't know how. Thanks for the roast vege ideas.
Jul 30, 12:22pm
Fantastic for roast pork and chicken.in fact any meat. Jacket potatoes are great.start in microwave.have even made a meat loaf in it(in a loaf tin of course).heating savouries ,pizzas etc.the better ones usually come with a book.will have a hunt for mine.http://www.squidoo.com/tu- rbo-oven. Just did quick google search and come up with this which gives an idea of it uses. This is my most used appliance.only turn the main oven on for baking and when cooking for a crowd.
Aug 4, 11:12pm
Can scones be baked in these ovens! Partner is about to start tea and even thou scones don't take long, I thought I'd do them in the conviction oven
Aug 4, 11:24pm
Yes, I bake everything in mine as there are only 2 of us now, much cheaper than using the big oven.I find that sometimes I might have to turn the scones if they haven't quite baked enough on the bottom.Just trial and error until you get used to them.
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