Sift flour & salt into a small bowl, add parsley & rub in butter with your fingertips. Using a small spatula, add the pumpking & mix to form a soft dough. Turn onto a floured board & knead lightly. Divide into 4 and roll each piece into a ball.
Put into stew, spooning a little juice over, cover closely & simmer for 20 minutes.
Haven't tried this recipe yet, Have got another for vege puffs (with grated zucchini, carrot, onion) if you'd like. Borrowed from CWA Soups & Stews.
Jul 16, 11:48pm
I just make a scone dough and add some chopped parsley, grated cheese & a pinch of powdered vegetable stock, roll into golf-ball size & pop onto the stew.I don't spoon gravy over or turn.Yummy!
Jul 16, 11:58pm
Thank you you guys
Jul 17, 1:52am
Can do ones from basic recipe and then add in extras, cheese and parsley or cheese and garlic dumplings are yum
Jul 17, 1:53am
Or sometimes if you do curry you can make dumpings with some curry powder and they are yum to mop up all the gravy.
Jul 17, 2:42am
Dumplings are something I'm good at - not everything I cook turns out good but these are.
Only rough measurements but about 4 heaped tablespoons of flour - and it really doesn't matter what kind but I usually have self-raising-2 heaped tablespoons of shredded suet (I get the containers from the supermarket - bit expensive but last a long time unless you have a lot of dumplings and/or steak and kidney steamed pud (yum), Two level teaspoons baking powder.Large pinch of salt, level teaspoon dry mustard and a twist or two of freshly ground black pepper.Make into a fairly soft dough with water and with floured hands make into medium size balls (this makes about 8)When stew is about 20 minutes from being ready and just simmering put the prepared dumplings into the stew, then - the important part which people forget - put the lid of the saucepan on and leave it on- you can look after 15 minutes - and by then the dumplings will have risen and fill the top of the saucepan - they are ready.Light, fluffy and melt in the mouth!
Also lovely with grated onion into the mixture - then of course less water to make the dough - and I am sure there are dozens of herbs etc that one could have.My family enjoy just as described-and so easy to make!
Jul 17, 3:09am
I like mixed herbs in my dumplings I use a scone dough and they come out light and yummy.
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