From Countdown.Woolworths homebrand 100% Pure Cocoa. Lovely rich dark colour and chocolate taste.Wiil never touch Cadburys again.
Jul 2, 7:07pm
Cadburys went downhill several years ago. Also try the Pams and Sunvalley cocoas. Both very good.
Jul 2, 7:39pm
Yep Taurus there have been several threads re this: have been using home brand for over a year now.truly good.
Jul 2, 8:39pm
If you have the money theres a dutch cocoa in the international section but I just get Pams at the mo.
Jul 2, 8:45pm
Agreed - Homebrand cocoa is what I buy at the moment. Pams is good too, Cadburys is just unbelievably bad these days!
Jul 2, 10:13pm
Wonder if Cadburys realizes how bad we think their coca is !I haven't strayed from Homebrand cocoa since it was recommended on here back when.Must try Pam's though as NW supermarket is quite a bit closer than Countdown and handy to know if I have a cocoa emergency!Just as an ofshoot, has anyone tried the Chelsea Chocolate icing mix.I was given some the other day so tried it and got a really big thumbs down from my chocolate icing fans, even tried adding some of my Homebrand cocoa to it with the same results and a firm 'request' to never use it again, the Chelsea stuff that is.Wonder if they use Cadburys cocoa in it!
Jul 2, 10:26pm
cookiebarrel I posted something on their web page, and wrote a complaint.never even got an answer. Another trader put in a complaint and got a reply saying something about the products now being imported or sourced differently! .can't quite recall the exact words now, but I know it was a lame excuse. She posted it on here.if you go back thru search you may find that post. But yep.I guess if enough people keep complaining the squeaky wheel may get oiled.worth a shot.
Jul 3, 3:32am
I only use Sun Valley cocoa but is homebrand quite nice!Sun Valley has become rather expensive
Jul 3, 3:38am
I was a Sun Valley fan, for about 5 years since Cadbury changed theirs (I think they now get the cocoa from Indonesia, rather than the previous supplier). My current FAV is the Trade Aid Fair Trade Cocoa - I buy it in 2kg packs when they're available, and it is fab (and it's good for my conscience buying fair trade).
Jul 3, 3:40am
Homebrand is my fav . it has a strong cocoa flavour compared to others
Jul 3, 3:49pm
Yeah I bought Homebrand when my usual Cadburys cocoa wasn't in stock, and found it superior so have stayed with Homebrand
Jul 3, 5:39pm
I buy Homebrand - it's very dark but I put it in the Pams container because the box is messy and you can't open the packet without getting cocoa everywhere!
Jul 3, 6:52pm
So an interesting question is Where does Homebrand source their product from! Another question is what does Homebrand not put in their cocoa that Cadbury's do!
I purchased Homebrand yesterday. We've decided that this is much better than Cadbury which seems to be not a patch on the older version of it. Question for Dutch Cocoa fans is what other additives does it have! I asked this question because the other day, I was about to buy Dutch peanut butter but didnt' because it had a few "extras" in it.
One of the things I have gleaned from people in the food ingredient manufacturing industry is that the difference between the generic brand and the fancy label ones is that the generic product does not have some additives in it that the others put in to help with product stablility longevity and other factors. Fair trade and also considering the humane conditions of workers is a big issue with cocoa products.
Jul 3, 6:57pm
No idea what's missing the Homebrand - the box just says "100% cocoa" I think.
But if you're buying peanut butter then Pics is awesome - just peanuts (from Australia) and a bit of salt - nothing else added - it actually tastes like a mouthful of peanuts.
Jul 4, 6:27am
Bakers Apricot Jam is really nice as well going through a faze of having it on my toast and its great it' s made locally well a hundred miles away is not that far these days.
Thanks for posting about the Homebrand cocoa Taurus. I compared all the cocoa available at Countdown here yesterday. Homebrand & Nestle were the only packets available that didn't have other things added. Cadbury had a few other ingredients. not what I'm looking for.
After the recommendation's here I purchased the Homebrand variety, and I'm glad I did.
Thanks for starting the thread.
Jul 5, 6:08am
home brand all the way
Jul 6, 4:15am
l went to get some of this today and it wasn't with the other cocoa brands so l asked the staff and one of them says oh it is in the drinking chocolate aisle! So we went and found it with the drinking choc, even the staff member couldn't work out why it was there and not with the other cocoa brands
Jul 6, 9:17pm
I can't get away from dutch cocoa or the fair trade stuff. Just gorgeous. Bought a packet of pams in an emergency and it's pretty dissapointing - hard to use up!
Jul 6, 9:19pm
sarahb5 i have done the same thing as you i put the homebrand cocoa in the pams container and i like the homebrand cocoa as well.
Jul 6, 9:43pm
I don't know why it isn't with the other cocoa either but I always find it in the drinks aisle
Jul 6, 11:38pm
The serving suggestion on the box gives details of how to make a hot drink with it, so I guess that is why it's with the other drinks etc.I remember hot cocoa at bedtime from when I was a child.In the UK, we used Rowntrees brand which was a rich dark cocoa like Homebrand.
Jul 7, 1:02am
It makes a much more chocolatey drink than hot chocolate
Jul 7, 3:12pm
I just went and bought some HomeBrand cocoa powder and agree it is great, THanks for recommendation. Must agree Sarahb5, Pics peanut butter may be more expensive but could never go back to the other brands again. I do buy the cheaper one for using in a biscuit recipe which requires peanut butter though. You can buy 1kg jars of Pics at some places (moore WIlsons) or online.
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