Damn spoilers! I mean you have to question their mentality in coming into this thread just for the sole purpose of spoiling an end result for those who are here and don't know who wins. They don't enter this thread to par-take in the day-to-day running of the show - just come here to ruin it for others. NASTY!
Anyway.the stress levels have really risen a notch or two with the remaining contestants.I really felt for Ben going home.the disappointment you could see he was feeling was quite intense. They are all winners in a sense.to have come this far is admirable.Julia scraped through by the skin of her teeth, but again, she's come this far and should be feeling damn proud of herself as should the rest of them.
Sep 19, 4:45am
The series finsihed last month many knew who won.
Sep 19, 4:49am
alpha. it doesnt matter that many knew who won,many didnt , although you've made sure a few more know tonight. You dont come into a thread like this and announce the winner, as I'm sure you know.Pathetic, really pathetic
Sep 19, 4:53am
You no right to tell me or anyone else for that matter what they can & cannot post in what ever thread they choose.
Sep 19, 4:54am
charlieb2, there's great news - have a look now at THOSE posts above.:-))
Sep 19, 4:57am
Quick vote now One must keep the momentum up.
Sep 19, 4:59am
Please apologize to making an untrue accusation about me or I shall report you to TM.
Sep 19, 5:14am
I don't know about Julia, I think Audra is a better and more consistent cook. Sad to see Ben go, he just kind of lost it didn't he - bless him.
Sep 19, 5:24am
Oh poor alpha - did someone else beat you at your own game - poor diddums. I don't apologise to vindictive people who relish in spoiling others enjoyment. I probably might (might, been the operative word) have forgiven you for the 1st 'blunder' in General - BUT not here. You deliberately sabotaged this thread - it's you who needs to apologise and to be honest you're not worth wasting any more time on. You're a real sad loser.
Sep 19, 5:39am
That maybe so, but I for one, like many others on here didn't know and didn't want to know. Even if I had known the result I would never have posted it and spoilt it for those who didn't know.
Sep 19, 5:45am
You see I wear my badge with pride. It appear some can dish it out, Yet when they are blantanly wrong do not apoliges.The irony of it all.
Sep 19, 5:47am
Can only please some of the posters some of the time, Not all of the posters all of the time.
Sep 19, 1:14pm
And your apology is where, Alpha!
Sep 19, 2:56pm
Assumption again is very incorrect.Can you explain how I knew within at least 2 mins after who won.!
Common occurrence on MB's is many assume what they think they know. More often than not they are so way off the real truth, that their little world has them believing what they post is Really how it came about.
Sep 19, 3:28pm
Well said. Couldn't agree more!
Sep 19, 3:31pm
Why should she! You got such a kick out of entering this thread to spoil the end result of the show for the avid masterchef viewers who didn't want to know and now you are just making a nuisance of yourself. Are you bored at the moment with not having another thread to spoil and biding time being a pest here until you find another thread to spoil! Go away.
Sep 19, 3:35pm
Arguing with a spoiler is probably time wasting - better to just ignore him/her.
Sep 19, 3:38pm
This is not exclusive to just a select clique. This is an open MB therefore anyone can post at their will.What I can tell you is Halloween is coming up so I really should get a new handle for my broom & add my badge to my hat.
Sep 19, 4:20pm
Not in new Zealand. We are currently viewing finals week.Those resident in NZ know we are weeks behind Australia, but we still want to see the episode before we know who goes home.
Sep 19, 4:53pm
Tell us the lotto numbers and then we'll admire you.It is not about cliques, it is about common sense, decency, respect and other words you have probably no idea of the meaning of.
whether it finished last week or last month, is totally irrelevant when it does not finish here until THIS Saturday night, I could not give a rat's behind as to how you found out, and whether you found out by going to the show itself, or just from google or friends or whatever, a lot of us have made damned sure we haven't found out because we want to not know.
this is becoming nasty, but you started this because your broom needs a new handle, so go and buy one. feel free to report us, you have turned a lovely thread horrible, and must be so proud of yourself. I'd blacklist you but you don't sell much and nor do I, so doubt our paths will cross again.
Sep 19, 5:10pm
Its morning tea time do enjoy it.As they say in Australia " Have a cup"
Sep 19, 6:48pm
both the guys should go - bring back Kylie
Sep 19, 6:53pm
Remember when they did bring back some (or was it one!) who had been eliminated. Looks like not this series.
Sep 19, 9:34pm
Yes, they used to bring some back but not this time.Only three more shows to go, how sad, will have to find something else to do with that time slot lol.Suppose the next series of kiwi masterchef will be on soon.
Sep 19, 11:52pm
lodgelocum, there's only ONE more episode after the one that's just starting now - the final which is on Saturday evening.:-))
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