The magazine cover was so incredibly cluttered that I don't think any dish would look appetizing.Terrible graphic design.
I actually thought that Alice's meal looked very appetizing;it was a pity that it didn't taste right.
Sep 10, 7:44pm
That's exactly what entered my find on seeing the cover of the magazine - as you say "very cluttered" - maybe the simplicity of Mindy's dish came into play with the judging; esentially just 2 contrasting colours!
Sep 10, 9:09pm
I've been watching this on Saturday and it's really good. I had no idea Monica was a Kiwi till I saw her on Close Up (I think it was) when she had come home for a visit. British Masterchef (IMO) is far superior in the judging. They call how they see it - honestly, and it's always only on the dish on the day, and definitely not on a pretty smile. Just as an aside - I think Gregg is a honey.
Sep 10, 10:56pm
It always amazes me how some of them ignore expert advice. It usually doesn't do them any favours. Would love to make that cover tart if anyone has the recipe.
Thanks ever so much! Will let you know what it is like, cheers.
Sep 11, 1:44am
Wow very brave of Alice tonight, and she was so close to going.
Sep 11, 4:21am
Yes, I wonder if she will use her pin tomorrow!
Sep 12, 1:11am
Sad to see Beau go.but he went a long way into the competition and I am sure he'll do well. Interesting that all 3 Immunity pin "holders" decided to hand their pins in.i wonder if any of them regretted doing that afterwards as it could have been 2 very achievable challenges for them, but they weren't to know - it was a risk and not one that any of them were prepared to take.
Sep 12, 2:05am
I was thinking it was Audra's time to go home, thought Beau's dish looked very tasty and colourful, and I was so pleased Julia's chicken was cooked through.One judge said Audra's tofu tasted like flour and the sauce wasn't quite right however she survived, just can't pick who they are going to send home.Be interesting to see who the next one is, going home.
Sep 12, 3:11am
Yes judges said Audra's tofu wasnt the greatest but then sent Beau home who appeared to have a better dish.Reasoning not quite clear at times.
Sep 12, 2:27pm
Think the whole thing is fixed really which is a shame.Some of the cooking is quite mediocre at times.
Sep 12, 2:31pm
i liked the presentation of Beau's dish rather than Julia's. Audra would've been devastated if she got voted off, being sent home in front of her favourite chef guru. i loathe the way some contestants cream themselves in the light of the guest chefs. maybe they're being genuine, but in appearance it seems so sycophantic. makes me wanna puke.
Sep 13, 1:16am
Thrilled for Kylee and Ben - there masterpiece was terrific.they were all really good I thought, and I felt for Julia - the box was a creation on it's own! I guess as always at the end of the day, it comes down to taste.
Sep 13, 1:40am
They did very well. It's one thing to copy a cake creation but quite another to come up with your own design too. Poor Julia has been in a few eliminations now.
Sep 13, 2:09am
Can't make the judges out, they didn't like Kylee and Bens cake, they said it was dry and undercooked, and they couldn't really fault Julia and Alices masterpiece.I was so surpirsed Julia didn't win, I personally thought she produced the best all round.Pity I'm not a judge though.
Sep 13, 2:27am
I thought they all did an amazing job, I would have loved to try them all!
Sep 13, 4:41am
Agree with you lodgelocum and strebor. It isalsogoing to be harder seeing each person leave from now on.For all its irregularities I will miss it when it finishes.
Sep 13, 7:27am
Build them up, to knock em out. It is obvious now how this will go.
Sep 13, 6:27pm
Who is going home tonight! Has anyone still got an immunity pin! Can't remember.
Sep 13, 6:37pm
I think all of the immunity pins have been handed in.
My bet is on either Ben or Andy going home - the "bromance" build-up is ready to peak.
Sep 13, 6:39pm
Then that would leave too many females! ;-) It should be an interesting week though. I see that as soon as this series finishes, we'll be getting the Masterchef Aussie All Stars series starting.
Sep 13, 7:21pm
Oh cool, I actually don't think I can live without it!Lol
Sep 13, 10:38pm
Yes, all the pins were handed in the day before yesterday. I think Alice or Audra will be next to go.
Sep 13, 11:01pm
I started off having no time for Julia but now I admire her spirit.she certainly has had a few knockbacks !
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