Australian Masterchef 2012.

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strebor1, Sep 4, 1:17am
Gosh tonight's episode brought back memories of my trip to Italy. I am loving it, and just wanting to go back as soon as! Glad to see Alice got a pin also.

davidt4, Sep 4, 1:41am
That rabbit would have been wonderful with artichokes and onions.I liked the way Alice poured olive oil over hers.

strebor1, Sep 4, 4:06am
Yes so did I, and it was good she didn't cut the skin off the squid as well. I haven't had stuffed squid for ages, might do it this week. Yum.

245sam, Sep 4, 4:17am
Just in case anyone is interested, here is the recipe for the rabbit.

"Rabbit with artichokes onions potatoes and rosemary
Recipe by: Antonio Carluccio

Serves: 4

•8 small artichokes, trimmed and quartered
•1 rabbit, broken down into chunks
•1 onion, peeled and chopped
•750g new potatoes, halved if large
•2 teaspoons rosemary needles
•6 tablespoonsolive oil
•Extra rosemary sprigs, to garnish

Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking: 1 hour

1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
2. Place the artichokes, rabbit pieces, onion and potatoes in a large roasting dish. Sprinkle with rosemary and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and toss to coat.
3. Roast in oven for 30 minutes. Take out, mix ingredients well and return to the oven for 30 minutes, after which rabbit should be cooked through and potatoes tender.
4. Serve with rosemary sprigs.":-))

245sam, Sep 4, 4:20am
and for the squid.

"Stuffed squid piazzaiola style
Recipe by: Antonio Carluccio

Makes: 2

•2 large squid, cleaned and tentacles reserved

•1 tablespoon olive oil
•2 squid tentacles, finely chopped
•60gfresh breadcrumbs
•1 garlic clove, crushed
•1 tablespoon pine nuts
•30g fresh parmesan, finely grated
•1 egg, beaten
•1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

Piazzaiola sauce
•4 tablespoons olive oil
•2 stuffed squid tubes
•1 garlic clove, finely chopped
•3 anchovy fillets in oil
•400g polpa di pomodoro (tomato pulp)
•1 tablespoon fresh oregano leaves
•Extra oregano sprigs, to garnish

Preparation:25 minutes
Cooking: 45 minutes

1. Clean the squid, cutting off the heads and beak. Leave tubes whole, and keep the little bunches of tentacles together; discard the heads. Remove transparent quill from each tube, then rinse.
2. For stuffing, heat oil in a medium frying pan and fry tentacles for one minute. Drain and place in a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, garlic, pine nuts, parmesan, egg and parsley, season with salt and pepper and toss to combine.
3. Divide stuffing mixture between squid tubes, leaving a little room at the top, and secure each with a wooden cocktail stick.
4. For sauce, heat olive oil in a small frying pan, add stuffed squid and cook gently for 10-12 minutes. Add the garlic and anchovies, and continue to cook, stirring until the anchovies have almost dissolved into the oil. Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and oregano, and stir to combine.
5. Ensure the sauce covers the squid and cook gently, uncovered, for 15-20 minutes. Allow to sit in the sauce for a few minutes.
6. To serve, cut squid tubes to 1cm thick pieces. Spread a spoonful of sauce on a serving plate, arrange cut pieces on top and dress with oregano sprigs.":-))

245sam, Sep 4, 4:24am
and the soup.

"Artichoke soup with chicken dumplings
Recipe by: Antonio Carluccio

Serves: 4

Chicken stock
•500g chicken wings
•½ brown onion, roughly chopped
•1 carrot, roughly chopped
•2 sticks celery, roughly chopped
•1 bay leaf
•4 black peppercorns

Chicken dumplings
•1 chicken breast fillet, very finely minced
•1 tablespoon chopped flat leaf parsley
•½ garlic clove, very finely chopped
•A small pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
•30g fresh breadcrumbs
•1 egg, beaten
•10g parmesan, freshly grated

Artichoke soup
•1.25L chicken stock
•4 globe artichokes
•150g potatoes, peeled and finely diced
•2 tablespoons finely chopped celery
•Freshly grated parmesan, to serve
•Freshly chopped parsley, to serve

Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking: 1 hour 25 minutes

1. For chicken stock, place all ingredients in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and skim off the froth. Simmer uncovered for 40 minutes to 1 hour, continuing to skim occasionally if required. Strain and skim off fat.
2. For chicken dumplings, place all ingredients into the chopper attachment of a stick blender and process to a paste. Shape into small quenelles with two teaspoons or make into little balls using your hands. Reserve in fridge.
3. For the artichoke soup, remove the tough outer leaves from the artichokes, then cut in half and remove the furry choke and discard. Cut the remaining artichoke into thin slices.
4. Pour the stock into a large sauce pan, add the artichokes, potatoes and celery. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until potato is soft and artichokes are tender but still intact. Add dumplings to the hot soup and cook for 5-6 minutes or until cooked through. Season with salt and pepper.
5. To serve, pour the soup into four bowls, dividing the artichokes and chicken dumplings evenly. Sprinkle with parmesan and parsley.":-))

tehenga288, Sep 4, 5:06am
So glad Alice got the pin even tho she can be a bit annoying. i'm not so keen on Mindy now ,she seems so smug lately.

mwood, Sep 4, 5:47pm
I think Mindy won - only leaving the squid skin on (!)favoured Alice who forgot the artichoke and under roasted the rabbit.

winnie231, Sep 4, 6:16pm
It was Mindy's rabbit that was undercooked when it came to the judges tasting.
Alice's rabbit was under due to the oven problems she had, but she did the right thing and finished it off in a pan.

I think Mindy is the better cook but on the day the right person won the pin.
I hope it helps Alice have more confidence in herself.

245sam, Sep 4, 6:41pm
I don't think Mindy won.
The fact that both Mindy and Alice had a missing component from their rabbit dish meant that in that respect the dishes were on a level playing field, so it was the actual rabbit that was the deciding factor and when it came to judging Mindy's onion-less rabbit it was dry; Alice's artichoke-less rabbit meanwhile was judged to be cooked just right.

I agree that "on the day the right person won the pin".:-))

carlosjackal, Sep 4, 8:42pm
Mindy's rabbit was actually OVERdone and that was why the judges commented on how dry and it was and that it was cooked for too long. Alice had the advantage of hers having been slightly underdone so that when she finished them off in the frypan they turned out just perrrrrfect.

Yeah, I too think Mindy is the more talented cook out of the two, but still glad that Alice won the pin.

davidt4, Sep 5, 5:03pm
What happened last night!From the preview it looked like a massive bulk catering effort.I didn't manage to record it.

245sam, Sep 5, 5:07pm
Here you are davidt4 - from the Masterchef website.
"The contestants competed in a ‘Death Dish’ Challenge, having to recreate the risotto of Maestro Gualtiero Marchesi – a task at which few managed to excel. Wade, Audra, Mindy, Kylie and Beau were considered the strongest, and formed the Red Team for the forthcoming Team Challenge, while Julia, Ben, Andy and Alice made up the Green Team. The Team Challenge was at the Barilla Pasta Factory, with the teams cooking three pasta dishes each to feed 500 staff. For their advantage, the Reds got first choice of which pasta types they wanted to cook with. The teams both produced superb performances, but the Red Team’s lasagne was such a hit it gave them the overall win, sending the Greens into an Elimination Challenge. ":-))

davidt4, Sep 5, 5:33pm
Thanks Shirley.

245sam, Sep 5, 5:37pm
You're welcome Helen.:-))

bedazzledjewels, Sep 5, 5:44pm
I wonder if Alice will use her immunity pin tonight!

245sam, Sep 5, 5:47pm
bedazzledjewels, I assume you want to wait and see or do you want to know now!:-))

carlosjackal, Sep 5, 5:58pm
Oh.please don't tell - it'll spoil it for those of us who don't want to know yet!

245sam, Sep 5, 6:02pm
Don't worry carlosjackal, I already know the end result/winner but my DH doesn't and doesn't want to know so I know how to keep my lips sealed and would only spill the beans if the info' was REALLY wanted.:-))

bedazzledjewels, Sep 5, 6:06pm
No Sam - just surmising.;-)I know the end result too but can't remember the steps along the way. I felt sorry for the green team last night.

bedazzledjewels, Sep 5, 6:40pm
I've been trying to place Monica's accent! She's Kiwi! Masterchef Professionals - I love watching the expressions on her face as she watches the culinary efforts of contestants. I must take a look at her new cookbook.

carlosjackal, Sep 5, 7:02pm
Hey 245sam, if anyone REALLY wants to know the outcome of a challenge (or who wins) in advance can you start a new thread for those who want to know!! ;o)

strebor1, Sep 5, 7:36pm
Yes, maybe this is when Deb goes home! All the others are pretty out there, can't wait for tonight.

lodgelocum, Sep 5, 8:55pm
Debra is a very good cook, she has put up some exceptional food, she is very much on a par or if not better than some of the other contestants she will be up against tonight.I think I am the only one in Debra's corner lol

carlosjackal, Sep 5, 9:17pm
That's possibly because most of the other posters here can see that Deb has an attiude problem. It's little wonder she has not proved to be very popular with the other contestants.