Australian Masterchef 2012.

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lodgelocum, Aug 13, 1:14am
Very pleased that Emma has gone, she may learn some maturity now in the real world.

esther-anne, Aug 13, 1:37am
Whew!Learning maturity is something she sorely needs, she is utterly self absorbed.I have to say that I think the judges decided it was her time to leave quite deliberately.

Can't decide whether Ben and Beau were noble or stupid in that little scenario!!

lodgelocum, Aug 13, 2:14am
Stupid and naive spring to mind.

duckmoon, Aug 13, 2:43am
+1, I got tired of the tears

duckmoon, Aug 13, 2:45am
I was really pleased that the show forced their hands and said that you can't do it (in effect).The cooking should decide, rather than falling on your sword

nfh1, Aug 13, 2:48am
Yes me too.Otherwise it is going to get really tedious as everyone tries to do what they think is a good thing to do.

imn, Aug 13, 3:29am
Totally agree. God Im glad that Emma has gone. Her crying was just too much. Todays episode was the worst. I had to turn the volume down it was so annoying. Great we dont have to put up with the totally OTT blubbering.

strebor1, Aug 13, 4:22am
Gosh the sight of all those cakes made me envious, some of them looked so yummy. Glad I didn't have to guess what some of them were though!

duckmoon, Aug 13, 5:19am
I am disappointed they didn't name the cakes which were left

esther-anne, Aug 13, 5:29am
Interesting you say that duckmoon.A question that has been nagging at me for a long time is what on earth happens to all the leftover food from these programmes!There seems to be a terrible wastage - I would love to know, and I sincerely hope,that someone benfited from all those truly gorgeous cakes.Hopefully they are given to places like Refuge or Rest Homes - somewhere it would be appreciated so much.

Sorry - that went off at something of a tangent and the grammar wasn't too hot either lol!

music_note, Aug 13, 5:34am
I find it interesting also, and hadn't noticed the person much, will keep watching.

Esther - I've wondered that too, hope it goes to someone who enjoys it all, or maybe it's given to the contestants for meals, etc.

2young1, Aug 13, 5:51am
I saw a battenberg and rum baba.:-)

carlosjackal, Aug 14, 3:30am
Well I'm glad to see the back of "Miss Cry Baby"! Her crying and whinging was so irritating!

kiwibubbles, Aug 14, 3:51am
I read a while ago, for the NZ Masterchef anyway, that people working behind the scenes, the film staff etc. take tsome food home. Maybe its the same for Australian masterchef!

esther-anne, Aug 14, 4:08am
That's good to know kiwibubbles. It bothers me to think of the wastage when we are asked to contribute to the starving people in this world-it's obscene really.

What about those whole meals that contestents make when a couple of forkfuls are tasted by the judges I wonder!They must surely be relegated to the pig bin!Well at least something benefits ifthis is the case

Few seem to have an opinion on this issue-I think it matters actually- so thanks for your input!

Maybe these concerns should not spoil our pleasure of these foodie programmes!

nfh1, Aug 14, 4:11am
I think the crew must eat up, there are probably lots of them - make up, camera crew, and hundreds of kitchen cleaners for the mess they all make.

esther-anne, Aug 14, 4:56pm
Of course-I didn't actually think of that explanation nfh1 - I just know I cringe sometimes when I see the number ofplates with now-cold food on them that the contestants have prepared - then the judges announce that on this occasion they are 'only tasting three dishes'.Ah well, maybe I'm making mountains out of molehills.

bedazzledjewels, Aug 14, 5:14pm
They seemed to be feasting up on those cakes after last night's masterclass. Is this the week that they're off to Kangaroo Island! Would love to go there.

245sam, Aug 14, 6:04pm
Last night's episode was No. 42, Kangaroo Island is Episode No. 48.:-))

sumstyle, Aug 14, 6:13pm
I am surprised that I don't like it that the contestants sit on the benches during masterclasses (the front row are lower, on stools).

esther-anne, Aug 14, 11:07pm
Didn't spot that-I went to the kitchen to do my stir-fry just before the end of the show.

esther-anne, Aug 14, 11:08pm
What don't you like about that arrangement sumstyle!

carlosjackal, Aug 15, 2:43am
Pppfff!.It's seems pretty obvious as to why they do that; so that all contestants have a view! Nothing wrong with that!

duckmoon, Aug 15, 2:55am
I don't like bums on benches. Yucky

Sitting on benches Seems to be less common in NZ - because of an understanding of clean/dirty, ordinary/tapu. But more common in different cultures

245sam, Aug 15, 2:58am
Sitting on the kitchen bench IMO is a No, No! but that's particularly in my home kitchen or really any home or commercial kitchen BUT the Masterchef kitchen is hardly a 'normal' kitchen although in the ideal world (if it really existed) even on Masterchef they shouldn't sit on the bench, however one must remember that it's a TV programme/show/competition.-