That Exhibition Building in Melbourne is stunning.
Jun 19, 1:40am
Did you see the rose style window above the main door.lts pattern has been echoed in the new MC logo
Jun 19, 2:44am
It is - just amazing.I love Melbourne, time for another visit I think.
Jun 19, 4:00am
Yes love Melbourne, and this show! Already the contestants are showing heaps more talent and promise than our winners here! I have to say the Countdown adds here are annoying me. I mean to say, what housewife doesn't know how to make meatballs! And Brett having his chip in with every add, makes me laugh. Should have stuck to school teaching, now that is another story!
Jun 19, 3:48pm
its much better than ours, the standard of the cooks is higher, and while obviously they have sponsers, its not so in your face and 'Countdown Masterchef' is here.
Jun 19, 5:02pm
I hope that building wasn't damaged in last night's earthquake there.
Jun 19, 8:36pm
Unlikely. It wasn't that big a quake in Melbourne itself.
Jun 20, 1:43am
I would love the recipe for the chocolate tart with the jelly on top that was made tonight I hope they publish them again this year. I think its a much classier show that here I got bored with ours this time.
Jun 20, 1:54am
I think this series is shaping up to be better than any of the previous series. The standard of cooking seems higher.
You have to hand it to the Aussies. They do the Masterchef thing well!
Jun 20, 2:42am
Yes it is just so engulfing, I just love it, and race out and do things in the ads, in case I miss anything. I find I am getting great ideas!
Jun 20, 2:52am
I loved the British series, but the Aussies took it to a new level.
Jun 20, 3:42am
Nice looking food cooked tonight
Jun 20, 4:33am
Loving it too-somehow the judges are more gentle and showing less obvious bias than ours!
Tonight I was very miffed-I love the Egyption/Korean woman- Amina I think is her name-who got an apron for her snapper dish.I felt very upset for the guy who was partnering her though (I forget his name) because he had unselfishly helpedher on her hell-bent determination to get her fish from the fresh food hunt at Mornington and in the process sacrificed what he himself needed to do.And she never once acknowledged it - so she is in and he is out.I thought she was terrific until she kept mum about what happened on their search for ingredients.Any other opinions!
Jun 20, 4:39am
Yes I agree there, felt sorry for him, however he is getting another chance tomorrow, so perhaps he will shine there. He is a good cook, so he will hopefully make up for it. I don't know how he could have sat in that car silently on the way back to Melbourne!
Jun 20, 5:04am
I missed the first half, keep forgetting it's on until it's half over, but is he the man who made the pav!
Jun 20, 7:07am
That's the one. I thought Amina might have said something, but then again, it is edited. She did frustrate me with her comment about no sign, while standing in front of a huge one. Okay, it had no arrows, but the guys had been there earlier, and surely it's not that hard to quickly shoot down to the beach to check.
Thanks for looking and yes I agree I felt sorry for him it wasnt his fault they were so late back it takes an hour for a pav to cook plus cooling anyway so not sure why he would have chosen to do that with so little time.
Jun 20, 1:31pm
That's where he needed to be creative and change his idea a bit. Like the wonderful Audra did with her chocolate ganache tart when she didn't have any eggs.
Yum, I am definitely going to try the crust of walnuts, lemon and fennel on my salmon next time I cook it, sounds great!
Jun 21, 10:15pm
So what do you think they have to cook tonight! Interesting that Beau didn't know what it was! Got me curious.
Jun 21, 10:24pm
Yes that got me curious as well. Hubby is home today, have had a lovely day walking along the beach, nice lunch, but warned him, after 5pm, don't talk to me!
Jun 22, 12:03am
split pants haha. I really thought he'd pooped them when I heard the noise
Jun 22, 12:39am
I don't like the judges on australian masterchef, except George he's cool. I do prefer our NZ judges
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