Can chafing dishes be put in the oven?

missunderstood, Jun 2, 6:40pm
They're made from stainless steel.I want to put food in, then reheat it in the oven.Is this possible or will it ruin the dishes!TIA

allspices, Jun 2, 7:11pm
Yes, stainless steel would usually be just fine in an oven. Can you tell us what they are like - I'm not familiar with a 'chafing dish'

missunderstood, Jun 2, 7:25pm
Listing #: 480876006This is an exact replica.The top bowl lifts out while the bowl underneath contains water to keep the food warm.I want to use the top bowl in the oven.

daleaway, Jun 2, 7:40pm
It should be fine. I have a number of stainless steel dishes which regularly get used in the oven. Two of them in fact are roasting pans!

girdlebun, Jun 25, 3:14am
yes there fine i do all my baking with these dishes, oven and stove top