Wedding Cake Makers

chicco2, May 27, 12:03am
Hi, if you lived closer to Nelson I would be happy to help. I am sure someone on here will help. Good luck. By the way your cake photo is too small to view.

sikofstuf, May 27, 12:08am
I could do it- but I'm near katikati- maybe try city cake company or chocolate earth up there!

raewyn64, May 27, 2:50am
have you spoken to Decor Cakes in Otahuhu!

duckmoon, May 27, 4:04am
Where do you live!

toadfish, May 27, 1:28pm
I see you are in Manukau, If you go to the Cake Box in Juliette Ave Howick they have about 10 photo albums full of their cakes, a couple dedicated to Weddings.I have an order in for a 50th Wedding Anniversary Cake.I used the photo album and combine about 3 different cakes to get to what I wanted.