way to cook it.

korbo, May 27, 9:18pm
Have bought some ox tripe and now cant find the recipe i had cut out from a magazine. think it was a NZWW.a few weeks back.
If anyone has a good tried and delicous recipe, please can you put it up here. Never eaten it before.

pickles7, May 27, 9:28pm
Tripe and onions are one of my treats, I don't like it any other way.

sarahb5, May 27, 9:31pm
OMG you might as well just chew carpet - it's awful .My dad loved it and as kids we would have to suffer at least once a month with the awful smell of it cooking *bleurk* - I can stomach most things but just thinking about it makes me heave .

falcon-hell, May 27, 9:37pm
i've never had it-thank goodness-but i don't think i could handle it-from what people say.

fletch37, May 27, 9:49pm

pickles7, May 27, 9:52pm
got you, WHERE!

biggles45, May 27, 10:12pm
+1 and even worse my gran used to eat it uncooked with salt and vinegar on it.

*Leaves thread to throw up*

jessie981, May 28, 12:26am
Learn something new everyday. Never knew you got tripe from an Ox, always thought it came from a sheep.
p.s haven't had for years, but mum used to cook tripe, mashed potatoes etc. Maybe it was Ox!

tjman, May 28, 1:56am
What is tirpe exactly!

biggles45, May 28, 1:58am
The stomach of a cow or ox

tjman, May 28, 2:00am
Oh.I wish I'd never asked.

biggles45, May 28, 2:06am
LOL! If you think that's bad.My cousin used to get it straight from the abattoir for her dogs, unwashed, uncooked. It looked foul, it smelt foul! And she would stand at the sink and wash it, chop it etc. Eeeeeew.

nunesy, May 28, 2:28am
My grandmother used to cook us sheeps brains when I was very small. it took years before I realised that 'sheepsprains' (how I heard it) was actually the BRAINS of a SHEEP.Couldn't stomach that, or tripe, now!It's all psychological I guess!

sarahb5, May 28, 3:12am
Yeah my grandma used to make lambs brains on toast and it was delicious - even when I knew what it was!