Thinking of making my 17 year old sons' lunches a few days ahead and just wondering if it would be ok to freeze steak sauce. He has the same lunch everyday - ham, cheese and sauce. Anyone frozen sauce before!
Mar 30, 3:45pm
well you can freeze gravy's and such, so sauce would be ok too
Mar 30, 9:19pm
Depends upon the sauce, it could tend to make the sandwich go soggy. Maybe freeze the sauce seperately in a small pottle! I did used to freeze individual sandwiches for toasting, (use freezer go between or individual seal bags,) so that when the kids came home from school they would just grab one from the freezer and straightinto the toastie machine. That worked well.
Mar 31, 1:39am
you nake sammies for 17y old! i feel sorry for your future dil.
Mar 31, 1:51am
I get up every morning at 5.30 am make my husband his smoko which is usually asandwich, have done for the last 33 years. Good on you #1 I bet they taste extra yum cause they are made with love.
Mar 31, 1:57am
Another vote for #1 - one practical way of showing your love for your family member.
Mar 31, 2:23am
Couldn't think of anything worse than a made up sandwich doesn't take long to make one.I make hubby's lunch everyday too but from scratch, it doesn't take long really.
Mar 31, 3:30pm
you do that!wow!why don't you make it at night
Mar 31, 3:34pm
pickle freezes well, dose not go soggy. I used to freeze lunches for my grandson. sauce gets lost.
Mar 31, 3:36pm
Makespacenow - my 17 year old works from 7am till 6pm in a very physically demanding job so I don't mind making his sandwiches a few days a week. He pays board so it's no drama. And we're a few years off worrying about a dil I think.
Mar 31, 10:43pm
cause the sandwiches would be yuckky, nah, I just like making them for him and seeing him off out the door to work.
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