Edmonds Pavlova Egg. Mini pavs? how would you.

staceytee109, May 9, 4:02pm
How would you do mini pavlovas with the mix! Is there a guideline to keep to with timing it. Gathering this weekend and thought this would be heaps cheaper than buying the premade ones and ive never got real pavs 100% lol

kassie48, May 9, 4:26pm
Come with instructions. Nice

staceytee109, May 9, 4:29pm
I havent bought one yet so havent seen the instructions but you bake for 1hr at 100*C if i remember rightly but thats for the big one and wondered if i needed to change the times if they are little by much!

books4nz, May 10, 5:54am
Make the size you want them to be, then bake as per the recipe for 1/2 hour.

margocooke, May 10, 4:39pm
this is my Pavlovarecipeperfect for a free standing mixer eg kenwood cheif but could probably be used with a hand held mixer but might take longer to mixonly used it to make 1 pav thoe never tried doing mini ones
4 eggwhites1 ¼ cups of sugar
2 tspvinegar1 tsp vanilla
3 dessert spoons of boiling water
Beat all together until stiff enough to stay in
bowl when tipped upside down .
Bake for ¼ hr at 150
Then 1 hr at 100