Where to buy israeli couscous

mattdylan, May 8, 9:50pm
anyone seen it! and how do you cook it! thanks

cookessentials, May 8, 10:00pm
I get mine from Moore Wilson, I dont know who would have it where you are.you could try Farro Fresh

sumstyle, May 8, 10:08pm
I've seen it at Fresh Choice

zoombla, May 8, 10:42pm
Dunno if yours does but my local New World has it with the bulk nuts

mattdylan, May 8, 10:51pm
Thanks will try NW failing that Farro.

iman007, May 8, 11:39pm
tel aviv

jimmy2102, May 9, 12:23am

jimmy2102, May 9, 12:24am
Ps boil it until al dente, its pasta

wron, May 9, 12:43am
Pak'N'Save bulk bin at Henderson has several types including the Israeli.

norse_westie, May 9, 2:20am
I recently bought Palestinian couscous from the Trade Aid shop. Haven't used it yet though.

cookessentials, May 9, 3:21am
After using the Israeli couscous, I prefer the other. I find the Israeli too much like tapioca pearls. I make a nice traditional buttery couscous from Morocco

disco_super_fly, May 9, 3:39am
I LOVE Israeli couscous. Such an amazing and versatile food! Just cook it like you would pasta. bring the water to the boil and put the cous cous in, then drain it once it's cooked. It only takes 5 mins or so :) I used to get mine from Bin Inn

vivvie41, May 11, 3:33pm
Got mine from Rangiora Bin Inn a couple of weeks ago.

lyl_guy, May 11, 3:56pm
I prefer the finer couscous too. for the same reason!The texture just doesn't seem 'right' lol!

snipz, May 12, 12:22am
Saw boxes of it at Fruit World this afternoon.

sweater, May 15, 4:20am
i buy mine from the bulk binns at new world, love this couscous as salads

novices, Nov 17, 2:27pm
Cafe in Mt Eden have Israeli Couscous on the menu but it is flavoured with what tastes like Soya sauce.Gives a lovely dark colour and enhances the flavour.Any ideas on how this may be done!

lennyb1, Nov 29, 1:49pm
I toast Israeli couscous in a dry non-stick pan, then add it to boiling stock - 1 part couscous to 1-1/4 part liquid.Reduce the heat to lowest and simmer for 5-10 minutes, then set aside off the heat for a wee while (enough to finish cooking veg or whatever else you're making).I seldom use plain water for cooking this or regular couscous in, I will always add seasoning such as s&p, turmeric, stock cubes (if not using actual stock), a tablespoon or so olive oil, and fresh herbs from the garden. Depending on the accompanying dish, I would also add more seasoning like cumin, mixed spice, cayenne, chopped onion and garlic, soy sauce, palm sugar .

lennyb1, Nov 29, 2:00pm
Forgot to mention - I get mine in the bulk area at New World, but have also seen it in packets at my local greengrocer.

olwen, Nov 30, 1:42am
I've bought it at simplifood

kiwiscrapper1, Nov 30, 4:33am
its not asta, your thinking of the tiny pasta thats oval and Im loving it at the moment made into a salad with sundried toms pesto feta cheese and chopped ham or bacon. Couscous you just pour boiling water over it and leave until its absorbed.I dont like the israli one either, I just get if from the help shop also like quenoa (keen-wah) as a salad too.