Blue milk has gone off.what can I use it for now

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tramore, May 16, 4:59am
Just winking 'cos it was a different symbol to use!Absolutely serious about using the milk if I can.

elliehen, May 16, 5:21am
Milk stored in plastic is always smelly after a few days, even if it is still within date.Pour it into a glass container and see if the 'off' smell is still there.

beaker59, May 16, 5:37am
Didn't do the calves on our farm any harm, when we fed them milk powder which is dried pasturised. You do know what Pasturised means don't you!
Pasturised milk is no different in food value to raw milk it just has less bugs in it.

vmax2, May 16, 6:13am
Milk powder fed to lambs and calves is specially formulated for their needs with extra vitamins and minerals in it.This is different from pasteurised milk bought in plastic containers from the supermarket.

nfh1, May 16, 6:15am
I see - I thought you were teasing.Good Luck with the milk, you are very brave!

beaker59, May 16, 7:15am
No its just plain milk powder, its sometimes seconds, otherwise known as floor sweepings.

Pasturised milk from the supermarket is safe and just as nutritious as so called raw milk it is also much safer to drink. There are very good reasons milk is pasturised, even the dairy farmers themselves drink pasturised usually.

Only other difference is the taste and granted raw milk does taste better.

angel404, May 16, 8:51am
Raw milk is full of the enzymes needed to digest it. Pasturisation kills them so no pasturised milk isnt better for you or more nutritious at all.

dwyn5, May 16, 10:21am
I worry about the blue top milk these days.Once, if milk was past it's use by date by a couple of days it used to stink and go lumpy - nowadays you can buy milk that has a use by date about a week hence and does not go lumpy or smelly.Makes you wonder what the milk treatment stations do to it.As it is a costly grocery item I do use the old milk for making scones.

beaker59, May 16, 10:32am
Note I never said it was better or worse for you, you have those enzymes in your system anyway. Like most adults I rarely drink straight milk anyway so even if there was a minor benifit from milk enzymes then they pass me and I suspect most people by.

charlieb2, May 16, 11:39am
Ok, so I'm reading the first post as you were given milk and froze it immediately.Now you are defrosting ityou find it goes off within a couple of days!Is that right!

So its no actually 'off' when you defrost it, just that it goes 'off' quickly!

vmax2, May 16, 11:03pm
Enzymes are very important for our health.As our body ages we have less of them to help with digestion.So therefore it is imperative we have as much whole living foods as possible.I know of many a person who cannot drink pasteurised milk as it makes them very sick.They can drink raw milk.It is the enzymes thatmakes all the difference.

whispalea, May 17, 12:46am
Sorry beaker, have to disagree with you on one thing. I don't think I know a single dairy farmer that doesn't drink farm milk.They mostly use the milk they produce. straight from the vat. The only thing I use pasteurised milk for is my cups of tea. and only because I don't like it too milky/creamy

beaker59, May 17, 1:19am
Its no different to cooked milk it has been briefly heated to a high temp to kill bugs if you got sick from it then you would get sick from any cooked milk. It won't make you sick as such.

I know heaps of dairy farmers that don't drink raw milk. Probably 50/50 those that do mainly because they can't be bothered buying it and those who don't mainly because they want low fat or calcitrim etc. Raw milk has twice the fat of blue top particularly if you get it off the top of the vat like some I know do.

I can see the advantages of raw milk in its flavour freshness if you get it same day from the farm and its higher fat content but that is all, you also risk disease (though less likely these days because of modern farm practice, brucilocis is a nasty thing). Don't store it too long either as it is susceptable to listeria.

elliehen, May 17, 1:20am
I know very few adults, if any, who actually drink milk at all.Most use small amounts in tea and coffee and in cooking, but it's unusual for adults to drink milk by the glass unless they produce it and therefore have cheap access.

Milk of any variety is not a necessary component of a grown person's nutritional needs.

vmax2, May 17, 2:43am
There is a very strong growing raw milk movement.Many adults drink it and make kefir and yoghurt and cheese from it.I guess it just depends on what circles you move in as to whether you know of any who drink it.There is a raw milk diet that cures many illnesses so there must be some good nutrition in there somewhere.

elliehen, May 17, 4:34am
There's raw milk aplenty for anyone in my locality who wants it, and plans for expansion :)

angel404, May 17, 8:01am
Many people DONT have those enzymes, which is the problem - and which is where intolerances come in. Our food is too processed and indigestible to lots of people. We need to go back to raw unprocessed whole foods.

antoniab, May 17, 11:22pm
Try telling that to my husband - he drinks gallons of the stuff! Bloody expensive! Would love a milking cow when we buy our little piece of heaven but hubby will ONLY drink the green top stuff

elliehen, May 17, 11:37pm
Time he was weaned ;)

tramore, May 22, 1:18am
Well, thank you everyone for all your suggestions and discussions.I finally decided to pour it out on the garden and as I did, it seemed to pour out rather syrupy.Hope that does the veges a lot of good!Thanks again.