How to make a slice less crumbly?

audio-solutionz, May 15, 2:16am
It's the edmonds Albert slice which I love the flavor of, and almost the texture. I like the cakey texture of it - but it's a bit crumbly. Which ingrediant would i need to increase a little to stop this! or add something! Golden syrup, egg, butter are the contenders I think.

245sam, May 15, 2:24am
audio-solutionz, I have made Albert Slice many many times, although not for a number of years because I used to make it for my late MIL - it was a favourite of hers and her twin sister's.I don't recall it being crumbly but the recipe I used was from an early (pre-metric) Edmond's book.I'm wondering if the recipe you use is from a much later book!IMO and from what I have read here on this MB some of the later recipes don't appeal to the same extent as their earlier versions.Would you like to compare the quantities of your and my recipes!:-))

kellybme, May 15, 4:09am
I would like yr recipe, as i love this recipe too, but find mine just not the same as my late MIL. Thanks

245sam, May 15, 5:47am
ALBERT SQUARE - recipe from my pre-metric Edmond's book so the metric conversion is mine based on 1oz = 28.4g - this is the recipe I have always very successfully used.I use a NZ standard 250ml measuring cup and standard measuring spoons (1 tbsp = 15ml, 1 dssp = 10ml, 1 tsp = 5ml).

115g (¼lb) butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
essence to flavour - I always use lemon essence
1 dssp golden syrup
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
1 cup currants
milk to mix - I measured the amount used and found it to be 12 tbsp (approximately ¾ cup)

Cream the butter and sugar, then add the eggs, one at a time.Beat well, then add all other ingredients.Pour the mixture into a sponge roll tin.
Bake at180°Cfor30-40 minutes.
Ice with a plain white icing and sprinkle with desiccated coconut.:-))

ange164, May 17, 12:27am
Thank you very much 245 sam.
I managed to get mum's imperial book on Wednesday and make a comparison with my current one. The imperial says "milk to mix" the new one says "1/2 c milk"and the old one as you correctly state says 1/4 lb butter and the new one says "125 grams."So we can see the discrepancies there. All the rest is the same.

Next time I do the mix, I'll make the two relevant adjustments, milk and butter, and see how it comes out. Thanks very much for taking the time to type it up for me. I too always make it lemon flavour, mmm.

gardie, May 17, 1:30pm
Haven't made this in ages - you have motivated me to make it again.I personally like almond essence as the flavour.