Is there any way I can tame down the heat! I don't usually use chilli and put in the amount if said auomatically, rather than halve or quarter the amount. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
Apr 21, 6:10pm
try some freshly chopped mint
Apr 21, 6:25pm
Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortuantely my mint has gone all brown. I am going to try adding potato to it, if that doen't work I will just bin it.
Apr 21, 6:28pm
'water it down' with a fresh batch and freeze what what you dont use.
Apr 21, 9:42pm
hey add fresh cream to it.or a pinch of sugar to it. lime juice will also help cut the heat. a blob of butter helps too.:)
Apr 21, 10:11pm
Plain yoghurt directly into each individual bowl may help, or sour cream!I think potato will just thicken it but worth a try.Maybe experiment with small qualtities at a time.
Apr 21, 10:24pm
we would add some brown sugar to it.not as sweet as palin sugar but tones the spice down a some.and add cream if youd like it creamy.
Apr 22, 12:23am
Ditto to both the yoghurt and the brown sugar
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