Fresh homemade bread.

lodgelocum, Apr 7, 1:50am
for dinner tonight, just made a lovely lovely loaf of wholemeal bread, so nice, hubby on nightshift tonight, so fresh bread for dinner.YUM.

elliehen, Apr 7, 5:59am
.and some for a late supper ;)

beaker59, Apr 7, 7:23am
I work nights allot lately and it sure affects the families diet. I try and cook a good meal for the family but end up rushing my own food before heading off to work.

Fresh bread is so nice though EH! I was inspired recently to restart my sour dough bug so baking a few loaves last week

roundtop, Apr 7, 4:00pm
When i bake my bread before cooking i spread it with my galic aolie

lodgelocum, Apr 7, 5:27pm
.and toasted forbrekkie lol