I have my own favourite recipe but I am wondering, as we are visiting someone for the first time today, what you people think is the most attractive way to serve/present it!
Apr 5, 10:37pm
In a bowl lined with gently curling iceberg lettuce leaves.otherwise it can look a bit regurgitated ;)
Apr 5, 10:40pm
Make it fancy caramelise onions chopped avocardo and tomato salsa. potato salad is a very lovely dish for mayonaise only use holmans everything is rubbish
Apr 5, 11:01pm
in a bowl with halved boiled eggs around the edges. bit of paprika and then very finely chopped parsley or the green of spring onions sprinkled over. or even fine chopped chives with a couple crossed over in the middle.
Apr 5, 11:03pm
That is a curly one. I'd plump for the most attractive bowl I could find and sprinkle the top with finely chopped parsley or paprika or any of the ingredients that you may add to your salad, other than peas, of course.My mother used to line her bowl with a large fresh, outer leaf from a lettuce and decorate with sliced, nearly hard boiled eggs.
Apr 5, 11:04pm
Apr 5, 11:53pm
Thanks so much everyone.We were taken a little by surprise by this invite at 9a.m. this morning.As we are having people visit tomorrow I was intending to do all the fresh food shopping in the morning.
I didn't know what on earth to take until I realised I probably had the makings for potato salad.Nothing fancy like avocado or tomato salsa in the cupboard seano but I did have lots of free range eggs, red onions mayonnaise (I use Heinz. I know!Someone will come along and tell me I should use something else lol) sour cream and lots of parsley in the garden.
So I made my usual recipe.And elliehen I took your advice and brought in a curly lettuce (no iceberg) from the garden and lined a white bowl - and, thanks for those who suggested it - I had already sprinkled paprika and finely chopped parsley over it.Thechopped eggs are in the mix and I didn't save one for decoration.
Anyway - looks much more of a party piece now!Thank youeveryone.
Apr 6, 12:32am
Have seen it done on a long flat plate sitting on lettuce nicely shaped into a fish shape with boiled eggs around the side.
Apr 6, 1:38am
Isn't it great how you can ask here & get some lovely ideas .there are some very knowledgeable people sharing how to present food superbly. ;o) I'll bet it went down well & a lovely meal was shared.
Apr 6, 1:39am
Sounds delicious and as for the Heinz.that is my favourite.
Apr 6, 5:37am
Thanks cookie.!It was lovely and looked divine and very well received.
What do you say though when dammit someone else brought a potato salad-and you know yours is actually so much more palatable!/And I did present mine beautifully thanks to ellie! so everyone chose mine!
What a shallow world weinhabit sometimes when what we take as an offering is so important.Musn't get too philosophical about food thoug and that may just be my own problem!.
I like your vote of confidence about the Heinz mayonnaise-i don't get the new stuff in a jar that proclaims it's original - not sure if it is.I always go to the British shop to get mine in the original glass containers.Might be fooling myself but I think it is superb!It is quite probably now made in the Ukraine or somewhere - but it still tastes damn good!
Edited for spelling errors!
Apr 6, 5:48am
esther-anne, am so pleased all went well.I do most worrying when my offering has to travel in a car for some distance.I try to borrow the knee of a passenger to protect it on its journey ;)
Apr 6, 6:06am
Guess what ellie!Mine had to travel for one minute - right across the road - a very quiet road too, cul-de-sac.
We only moved here 6 weeks ago and it's a quiet sort of enclave and we kind of knew we were being ''vetted;" by the locals.We had a fabulous evening - seems we have truly great neighbours - and if I staggered back across the road after large amounts of all sorts of wine had been consumed it was worth all the effort!
Have to say my offering looked cool nestled in the lettuce leaves!
Apr 7, 1:53am
Judging by your messageboard persona, I'd say the neighbours will be feeling pretty good about you too :)
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