I didn't think the milk in plastic bags was from fonterra.
Mar 25, 8:00pm
packnsave $3.50 for a 2 litre i laugh when the put the special sticker on it and its more expensive than the week before they must think we are stupid
hey correct me if im wrong but the milk we buy is reconstituted from powder anyway isnt it! im pretty sure it is
Mar 25, 8:06pm
In a country that's main produce is diary I think not.No its not, seriously you can visit each milk brand website, and fontera it self and see their FAQ's as that seems to be a very regularly asked question, lots must believe that myth.
Mar 25, 8:12pm
if the farmers can get more for it overseas then why the hell should they subsidize the locals who make it difficult for them to produce the damn stuff in the first place!
Mar 25, 8:30pm
I pay $4.50 and $2.50 for blue and green top milk, we go through 1-2 a day so approx $70 a week just in milk. Yeah, It truly sucks and is WRONG we pay so much. Not to mention cheese and butter.
Mar 25, 8:34pm
nz milk costs less overseas than here. same with nz lamb and nz kiwi fruit and apples.and it is all better wuality than the stuff here.sadly we in nz are subsidising the ecport so nz produce can compete pricewise overseas.just ask any uk ecpacts they eill tell you how cheap and good bz lamb sold in uk is cheese too.butter etc.we are being taken for mugs here and being ripped off big time. we pay $6 for 2x2l from fruit&veg place
Mar 25, 8:35pm
omg you need to get a cow!
Mar 25, 8:40pm
Me too.have for ages.I buy ready-to-go milk for special guests only ;)
If you take milk in your tea or coffee, you can just drop in a raised teaspoonful of powder and stir quickly.The bonus is that milk added this way doesn't even cool down your cup.
Mar 25, 8:41pm
.NZ doesn't export "fresh" milk.
Mar 25, 8:45pm
tell me about it, I always say that
Mar 25, 8:46pm
i have tried it and you would think I was forcing the kid's to swallow poison.
Mar 26, 12:47am
Haha $2 for TWO litres is what I meant to say not $2 for 1 litre - I pretty much spend the whole day restocking the milk now!
Mar 26, 2:39am
I lived in Hamilton from 1972 to 1987 - there wasn't a "milk price war" then, and no problem with affording milk.Only problem was sometimes the kids in the neighbourhood used to pinch the milk money from the mail box and go to the dairy to buy their lollies on their ill-gotten gains!
Mar 26, 4:06am
Totally guilty of that. My mate got nabbed once but not meeee coz i was running soooo fast lol
Mar 26, 4:45am
I expect my kids did it occasionally too if they thought they could get away with it.I never did it as a kid, 'cos mum used to buy bread and milk tokens from the local co-op and put them out for the baker and the milkman instead of money.
Mar 26, 1:10pm
cheaper to buy milk at the dairy than supermarket
Mar 26, 1:44pm
Well as I said at the start of this thread, the milk I normally buy which had jumped from $1.80 to $2.48 and which I'm grizzling about, was still $1.97 at the Four Square shop, so in future I will buy it from there, until/unless they put the price up too.
Mar 26, 1:44pm
Well as I said at the start of this thread, the milk I normally buy which had jumped from $1.80 to $2.48 and which I'm grizzling about, was still $1.97 at the Four Square shop, so in future I will buy it from there, until/unless they put the price up too.And I checked on the packet, it's marketed by Goodman Fielder, and I wasn't aware that they have milk processing plants (maybe they do!) so maybe it's still Fonterra but just different labelling.Don't know.
Mar 26, 2:07pm
I've found the Four Square cheaper than Countdown for cream.Home Brand 300 ml at Countdown is about $2.12 unless it's on special.AT New World Pams is $1.79 and at Four Square Anchor is $1.87.
Mar 26, 3:25pm
Yes they do, they bought Anchor out. I was reading their PR stuff that comes when you purchase shares in their company, and theyhave bought out loads of smaller companies and rebranded
Mar 26, 4:45pm
Raw milk straight from the cow can sometimes be a lot cheaper and definitely a whole lot healthier.
Mar 26, 4:49pm
whats that got to do with the discussion of price gouging!
Mar 26, 4:51pm
Op your problem of a raised price on your milk powder will be down to the fact that the price freeze was for fresh milk only, not processed milk.So you may very well find the 'powdered' milk increases considerably over the next few months (they can't increase fresh after all!)
Mar 26, 5:01pm
OP was not buying milk powder, she was buying liquid fresh milk in a bag rather than a tetrapak or bottle.
Mar 26, 5:08pm
Just trying to raise awareness that there is another way and sometimes if you get a good source it can be cheaper than shop stuff.
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